Ptolemy XII Auletes
  • 1. In which dynasty did Ptolemy XII Auletes rule?
A) Ptolemaic Dynasty
B) Aztec Dynasty
C) Ming Dynasty
D) Roman Dynasty
  • 2. Which famous historical figure was a daughter of Ptolemy XII Auletes?
A) Cleopatra I
B) Hatshepsut
C) Cleopatra VII
D) Nefertiti
  • 3. What nickname was given to Ptolemy XII Auletes?
A) Golden Pharaoh
B) Flute Player
C) Warrior King
D) Sage Ruler
  • 4. Which country did Ptolemy XII Auletes flee to during a rebellion against him?
A) Greece
B) Rome
C) Persia
D) Carthage
  • 5. Besides Egypt, which other region did Ptolemy XII Auletes attempt to govern?
A) Italy
B) China
C) India
D) Cyprus
  • 6. Which famous ally did Ptolemy XII Auletes seek help from to reclaim his throne?
A) Alexander the Great
B) Julius Caesar
C) Hannibal
D) Attila the Hun
  • 7. What title did Ptolemy XII Auletes hold within the Egyptian hierarchy?
A) High Priest
B) Pharaoh
C) Vizier
D) General
  • 8. What was Ptolemy XII Auletes' relationship with his daughter Cleopatra VII?
A) He was her brother and protector
B) He was her uncle and advisor
C) He was both her father and her co-ruler
D) He was her enemy and rival
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