Zambian History
  • 1. Zambia, a landlocked country in Southern Africa, has a rich and diverse history that dates back to ancient times. The region that is now Zambia was inhabited by various indigenous tribes for centuries before the arrival of European explorers and colonizers. In the late 19th century, the area came under British control and was known as Northern Rhodesia. The struggle for independence from colonial rule was led by prominent figures such as Kenneth Kaunda, who later became the first President of Zambia upon gaining independence in 1964. Since then, Zambia has experienced periods of political stability and economic growth, as well as challenges such as poverty, corruption, and health crises like the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The country's history is marked by a vibrant cultural heritage, diverse ethnic groups, and a commitment to democracy and social development.

    Who was the first President of Zambia?
A) Michael Sata
B) Levy Mwanawasa
C) Frederick Chiluba
D) Kenneth Kaunda
  • 2. When did Zambia gain independence from British colonial rule?
A) 1986
B) 1964
C) 1972
D) 1958
  • 3. What is the capital city of Zambia?
A) Nairobi
B) Kigali
C) Harare
D) Lusaka
  • 4. Which major river forms the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe?
A) Nile
B) Orange
C) Congo
D) Zambezi
  • 5. What is Zambia's currency called?
A) South African rand
B) Botswana pula
C) Zambian kwacha
D) Zimbabwean dollar
  • 6. Which mineral is Zambia known for exporting?
A) Gold
B) Copper
C) Uranium
D) Diamonds
  • 7. Who was Zambia's first female Vice President?
A) Inonge Wina
B) Sylvia Masebo
C) Joyce Banda
D) Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
  • 8. Which famous waterfall is located on the Zambia-Zimbabwe border?
A) Angel Falls
B) Niagara Falls
C) Iguazu Falls
D) Victoria Falls
  • 9. Which European explorer was one of the first to visit the area that is now Zambia?
A) Marco Polo
B) Vasco da Gama
C) Christopher Columbus
D) David Livingstone
  • 10. Which famous political leader from South Africa spent time in prison in Zambia during apartheid?
A) Thabo Mbeki
B) Nelson Mandela
C) Jacob Zuma
D) Winnie Mandela
  • 11. What type of government does Zambia have?
A) Monarchy
B) Communism
C) Dictatorship
D) Republic
  • 12. Which sport is popular in Zambia?
A) Cricket
B) Rugby
C) Golf
D) Soccer
  • 13. What is Zambia's largest ethnic group?
A) Bemba
B) Tonga
C) Ngoni
D) Lozi
  • 14. What is the name of the traditional Zambian dish made from maize meal?
A) Nshima
B) Ishima
C) Ubwali
D) Chibwabwa
  • 15. What was the name of the independence movement in Zambia?
A) Zambia First Party
B) National Democratic Congress
C) United National Independence Party (UNIP)
D) Movement for Multiparty Democracy
  • 16. What is the traditional beer in Zambia made from?
A) Sorghum
B) Barley
C) Maize
D) Wheat
  • 17. What is Zambia's official language?
A) Bemba
B) Tonga
C) English
D) Nyanja
  • 18. What is the name of the traditional Zambian ceremony where the Paramount Chief is crowned?
A) Kuomboka
B) Ku'omboka
C) Ukusefya Pa Ng'wena
D) Likumbi Lya Mize
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