Fun Jewish Holidays and Celebrations
  • 1. Judaism is a rich and vibrant religion with many fun holidays and celebrations throughout the year. From Hanukkah, known as the Festival of Lights, where families come together to light the menorah and exchange gifts, to Purim, a joyous holiday where people dress up in costumes, read the Megillah, and give gifts of food to friends and neighbors. Other celebrations include Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, where sweet foods are eaten to symbolize hopes for a good year ahead, and Passover, a time of remembrance and renewal where families gather for a special meal called the seder. These holidays are filled with traditions, delicious foods, and opportunities for community and reflection, making them both meaningful and enjoyable for Jewish people around the world.

    Which Jewish holiday commemorates the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt?
A) Sukkot
B) Purim
C) Passover
D) Rosh Hashanah
  • 2. Which holiday celebrates the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai?
A) Shavuot
B) Yom Kippur
C) Tu B'Shevat
D) Hanukkah
  • 3. What is the Jewish New Year called?
A) Yom Kippur
B) Yom Ha'atzmaut
C) Purim
D) Rosh Hashanah
  • 4. During which holiday do Jews fast and engage in meaningful reflection and prayers for repentance?
A) Purim
B) Sukkot
C) Yom Kippur
D) Simchat Torah
  • 5. Which holiday is known as the 'Festival of Lights'?
A) Purim
B) Passover
C) Rosh Hashanah
D) Hanukkah
  • 6. Which holiday is also known as the 'Feast of Tabernacles'?
A) Yom Kippur
B) Sukkot
C) Purim
D) Rosh Hashanah
  • 7. On which holiday do Jews traditionally eat triangular pastries called hamantaschen?
A) Purim
B) Passover
C) Shavuot
D) Hanukkah
  • 8. Which holiday is referred to as the 'Jewish Valentine’s Day'?
A) Hanukkah
B) Tu B'Av
C) Purim
D) Yom Kippur
  • 9. During which holiday do Jewish people plant trees and eat fruits from the Land of Israel?
A) Hanukkah
B) Yom Kippur
C) Tu B'Shevat
D) Rosh Hashanah
  • 10. On which holiday do Jews celebrate the completion and restarting of the annual Torah reading cycle?
A) Hanukkah
B) Shavuot
C) Yom Kippur
D) Simchat Torah
  • 11. On which holiday do Jews celebrate the establishment of the State of Israel?
A) Simchat Torah
B) Yom Ha'atzmaut
C) Sukkot
D) Purim
  • 12. On which holiday are special prayers recited to bless the new month and express hope for good health and livelihood?
A) Hanukkah
B) Rosh Hashanah
C) Yom Kippur
D) Rosh Chodesh
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