John Tyler
  • 1. When did John Tyler serve as the 10th President of the United States?
A) 1841-1845
B) 1817-1821
C) 1837-1841
D) 1853-1857
  • 2. Which political party did John Tyler belong to when he became President?
A) Whig
B) Democratic-Republican
C) Democratic
D) Federalist
  • 3. Which U.S. state was admitted to the Union during John Tyler's presidency?
A) California
B) Texas
C) Hawaii
D) Alaska
  • 4. What was John Tyler's nickname?
A) His Accidency
B) Old Hickory
C) Tippecanoe
D) Honest Abe
  • 5. How many children did John Tyler have?
A) 15
B) 5
C) 10
D) 20
  • 6. Where was John Tyler born?
A) New York City, New York
B) New Orleans, Louisiana
C) Boston, Massachusetts
D) Charles City County, Virginia
  • 7. How old was John Tyler when he became President?
A) 45
B) 51
C) 60
D) 55
  • 8. Which treaty did John Tyler sign with China, opening up trade relations?
A) Treaty of Ghent
B) Treaty of Versailles
C) Treaty of Paris
D) Treaty of Wanghia
  • 9. John Tyler was the first President to marry while in office. Who was his second wife?
A) Abigail Adams
B) Mary Todd Lincoln
C) Martha Washington
D) Julia Gardiner
  • 10. What was John Tyler's occupation before becoming President?
A) Doctor
B) Lawyer
C) Farmer
D) Teacher
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