Cricket in Times Square
  • 1. Our plan was approved because it was clear and _______.
A) logical
B) scrounging
C) excitable
D) eavesdropping
  • 2. Grandma looked __________ at her photos of Grandpa on their wedding day.
A) sympathetically
B) logically
C) excitable
D) wistfully
  • 3. Jamie patted Ricky's back ________ when he didn't make the baseball team.
A) excitable
B) sympathetically
C) logically
D) acquaintance
  • 4. The puppies got very _________ when the doorbell or telephone rang.
A) acquaintance
B) excitable
C) logical
D) sympathetically
  • 5. When we were camping, we say two bears ____________ for food in the other campsites.
A) acquaintance
B) scrounging
C) bickering
D) eavesdropping
  • 6. I wouldn't say he's my friend, he's more of an ______________.
A) sympathetically
B) acquaintance
C) eavesdropping
D) excitable
  • 7. My sister caught me ____________ on her conversation with her friend.
A) sympathetically
B) scrounging
C) wistfully
D) eavesdropping
  • 8. What are two of Tucker Mouse's favorite activities?
A) playing with Harry and watching people in Times Square
B) eating and sleeping
C) listening to stories and eavesdropping
D) scrounging garbage and swimming
  • 9. What does the author mean when he says that neatness is not one of the things Tucker aimed at in life?
A) Tucker's nest is very messy
B) Tucker wants to be neat, but is too lazy to pick up
C) Tucker collects all kinds of things
D) Neatness is very important to Tucker
  • 10. Chester Cricket is touched that Tucker Mouse brings him liverwurst because ______________.
A) Tucker buys it for him
B) he has never eaten liverwurst before
C) Tucker has only known him a few minutes and is sharing
D) He hasn't for weeks and he's starving
  • 11. What does he mean when Tucker tells Chester that there are worse fates than being trapped under roast beef sandwiches?
A) It isn't so bad, because Chester can eat the sandwiches.
B) He hopes that Chester is very hungry.
C) It must be scary to be trapped under anything.
D) Chester is lucky that he didn't get crushed.
  • 12. Which statement from the selection shows how frightened Chester was?
A) "For all I knew, they could have been heading for Texas."
B) "They'll have to unpack the basket sooner or later."
C) "I could tell from the noise it must be New York."
D) "I was getting awfully cramped too, under those roast beef sandwiches."
  • 13. Where does most of this selection take place?
A) in a subway station in New York City
B) in a New York City drain pipe
C) on a tree stump in Connecticut
D) at Grand Central Station in Jew Jersey
  • 14. Which best describes how Chester feels before he meets Tucker and Harry?
A) scared and sympathetic
B) purple
C) furious and full of energy
D) hungry and sleepy
E) nervous and afraid
  • 15. Why is the friendship between Harry and Tucker unusual?
A) Tucker is shy.
B) Mice and cats are usually enemies.
C) Chester doesn't like cats
D) Harry is way taller than Tucker
  • 16. Chester makes the chirping sound by __________.
A) singing loudly
B) playing a violin
C) drawing his top wing over his bottom one
D) saying "crik, crik, crik"
  • 17. Why does Mario's mother think Chester is not a good pet for Mario?
A) She wants Mario to have a dog
B) purple
C) She thinks Chester carries germs
D) She does not like Chester's friends
E) Chester eats too much
  • 18. Why did George Selden write "The Cricket in Times Square"?
A) To convince readers to get pet crickets
B) to prove that cats and mice can get along
C) To entertain readers with a fictional story
D) to show off how much he knows about New York City
  • 19. How does Chester Cricket end up in Times Square?
A) Harry the cat picked him up in a submarine
B) He takes a taxi from Connecticut
C) He is carried there in a picnic basket.
D) He jumps
  • 20. What makes Chester feel better about staying in New York?
A) Tucker shares his liverwurst
B) Harry doesn't eat him
C) Mario's mom give him a big hug
D) seeing a familiar star
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