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Perfect Squares/Square Roots
Contributed by: Jones
__1. 1x1A. 1
__2. 2x2B. 4
__3. 3x3C. 9
__4. 4x4D. 49
__5. 5x5E. 25
__6. 6x6F. 16
__7. 7x7G. 36
__8. 8x8H. 64
__9. 9x9I. 81
__10. 10x10J. 100
__11. 52A. 144
__12. 62B. 121
__13. 72C. 144
__14. 82D. 121
__15. 92E. 100
__16. 102F. 81
__17. 112G. 49
__18. 11x11H. 64
__19. 122I. 36
__20. 12x12J. 25
__21. 12A. 9
__22. 22B. 1
__23. 32C. 4
__24. 42D. 4
__25. Square Root of 4E. 16
__26. Square Root of 9F. 2
__27. Square Root of 16G. 5
__28. Square Root of 25H. 7
__29. Square Root of 36I. 3
__30. Square Root of 49J. 6
__31. Square Root of 64A. 8
__32. Square Root of 81B. 9
__33. Square Root of 100C. 10
__34. Square Root of 121D. 11
__35. Square Root of 144E. 12
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