6th SW Warm Up 3,4 (Cells, vocabulary)
prokaryotic cells
The following image is apicture of onion cells under a microscope.  Each bluedot in the cell representsa nucleus.  These onioncells are considered:
eukaryotic cells
The cell in the picture below is consideredprokaryotic?  Why?
it is missing a nucleus
it has a nucleus
none of the above
it is microscopic
3. What type of cell is seen in the picture below?
If a decomposer is an organism that feeds offof dead organisms, then it can also be called a(n):
This organelle is like your brain.It contains DNA and tells the cell what to do.
cell membrane
6.Mrs. Ruble saw a sample of brain tissue under amicroscope.  She noticed there were many cells thathad a nucleus and were all connected together.  This means the brain tissue is:
multicellular and made of prokaryotic cells
unicellular and made of eukaryotic cells
unicellular and made of prokaryotic cells
multicellular and made of eukaryotic cells
7.Mrs. Davis saw a paramecium under the microscope.She noticed it was made of only one cell and had anucleus.  This means the paramecium is:
unicellular and a prokaryotic cell
multicellular and a eukaryotic cell
multicellular and a prokaryotic cell
unicellular and eukaryotic cell
8.A tree is known as an autotroph.  This is because:
the tree is not able to make its own food.  It
only gets food through plant fertilizer
it automatically moves from place to place
the tree is able to make its own food through
the process of photosynthesis
it makes shady areas with its leaves
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