Government Types
  • 1. Which of these is important to a successful democracy?
A) refusing to allow presidents to meet with leaders of hostile countries
B) discouraging criticism of elected officials
C) ensuring that the rights of citizens are protected
D) ensuring that only the most capable citizens receive an education
  • 2. Which of these forms of government allows citizens to choose their government leaders most freely?
A) oligarchy
B) representative democracy
C) dictatorship
D) absolute monarchy
  • 3. “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” -Lord Acton, 1887 Based on the quotation, Lord Acton would probably be most opposed to which system of government?
A) unitary
B) dictatorship
C) democracy
D) republic
  • 4. All the citizens in a community take an equal role in local government by meeting to debate and vote on every law and political issue. This form of government is best described as…
A) a representative democracy
B) a direct democracy
C) a republic
D) a parliamentary democracy
  • 5. Which of these is an advantage of a totalitarian form of government?
A) An independent press helps the public make informed decisions about their government.
B) Participation by citizens is guaranteed through open elections.
C) Decision-making is quicker because fewer people are involved in the process.
D) Decisions are based on majority rule with minority rights protected.
  • 6. Which of these is a characteristic of a totalitarian system of government?
A) restrictions of personal freedoms
B) majority rules with minority rights
C) popular sovereignty
D) equal protection under the law
  • 7. A government ruled by a king or queen is called...
A) dictatorship
B) republic
C) monarchy
D) theocracy
  • 8. A republic is also characterized as a form of?
A) monarchy
B) oligarchy
C) dictatorship
D) democracy
  • 9. What characterizes the theocracy?
A) Laws based on religious text
B) Leaders chosen by religious officials
C) Censorship & repression
D) All of the above
  • 10. Which of the following are characteristic of a form of democracy?
A) All of the above
B) Respect for individual rights
C) Citizens as the source of ultimate power (voting)
D) Leaders bound by a constitution
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