Week 2- Vocabulary Words
__1. anxiousA. caused by heavy snow
__2. attitudeB. a plan for success
__3. avalancheC. caused by the heat of the sun
__4. calorieD. a math quality
__5. circumstancesE. a strong opinion
__6. dramaticF. to move schools
__7. evaporateG. opposite of relaxed
__8. halvesH. really loud and rude
__9. strategyI. surrounding details
__10. transferJ. a food quality
__11. anemometerA. written in stone
__12. awlB. rule by the rich
__13. bibliolatryC. justice and rights
__14. capitolD. a literal view of the bible
__15. epigraphE. wind pressure
__16. plutocracyF. a sharp object
__17. principalG. in a certain spot
__18. principleH. school leader
__19. stationaryI. party invitations
__20. stationeryJ. a serious crime
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