Percents and percent differences - MEL 3E
On her 2nd birthday, Amina was 70 cm tall. On her 10th birthday, she was 126 cm tall. What was the percent increase in her height? 
Martine was earning $19.23 an hour. Her boss told her that she would be receiving a 5% raise. After the raise, her new pay was exactly $20.00 per hour.
What was her percent raise?  
Pam bought a TV for $575 (regular price). After tax 
was added, the price was $667. 
What was the percent tax added?
An Adidas Telstar 18 "match ball" cost $220 last year. 
This year, the same ball cost $154. What was the 
percent reduction in price?
What was the percent increase?
Last year 11,035 people rode the BLine #10 
bus during a typical week. This year, 12,690 
people rode the same bus. 
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