- 1. Religion is a cultural system of designated behaviors and practices, morals, beliefs, worldviews, texts, sanctified places, prophecies, ethics, or organizations, that relates humanity to supernatural, transcendental, or spiritual elements.
Which religious figure is considered the central prophet of Islam?
A) Jesus B) Muhammad C) Moses D) Buddha
- 2. What is the holy book of Christianity?
A) Torah B) Gita C) Bible D) Quran
- 3. Which Hindu god is known as the preserver of life?
A) Brahma B) Shiva C) Kali D) Vishnu
- 4. What is the ultimate goal in Buddhism, representing the end of suffering?
A) Moksha B) Nirvana C) Karma D) Samsara
- 5. In which religion is the founder known as the Buddha?
A) Judaism B) Islam C) Christianity D) Buddhism
- 6. Which religious text contains the teachings and practices of Sikhism?
A) Agamas B) Tripitaka C) Zend Avesta D) Guru Granth Sahib
- 7. What is the pilgrimage to Mecca that all Muslims are expected to make once in their lifetime called?
A) Zakat B) Jihad C) Hajj D) Umrah
- 8. How many pillars of Islam are there?
A) Three B) Ten C) Five D) Seven
- 9. Which religious text outlines the guidelines for Jewish law and ethics?
A) Vedas B) Talmud C) Torah D) Koran
- 10. Who is considered the founder of Christianity?
A) Buddha B) Krishna C) Moses D) Jesus
- 11. What is the festival of lights celebrated by Hindus around the world?
A) Easter B) Hanukkah C) Diwali D) Eid al-Fitr
- 12. Who is the central figure of Sikhism?
A) Guru Nanak B) Guru Har Rai C) Guru Gobind Singh D) Guru Tegh Bahadur
- 13. Which religious event is celebrated on Easter Sunday by Christians?
A) Resurrection of Jesus B) Last Supper C) Birth of Jesus D) Crucifixion of Jesus
- 14. What is the central religious text of Confucianism?
A) Analects B) Tao Te Ching C) Book of Changes D) Dhammapada
- 15. Who is the supreme god in Hinduism?
A) Shiva B) Brahma C) Vishnu D) Krishna
- 16. What is the religious text of Zoroastrianism?
A) Daodejing B) Upanishads C) Avesta D) Kojiki
- 17. What is the sacred river in Hinduism that is believed to cleanse one's sins?
A) Ganges B) Nile C) Tigris D) Jordan
- 18. Which religious practice involves fasting during the month of Ramadan?
A) Christianity B) Hinduism C) Judaism D) Islam
- 19. What is the Jewish New Year called?
A) Hanukkah B) Passover C) Yom Kippur D) Rosh Hashanah
- 20. Who is the author of the Book of Mormon?
A) Muhammad B) Joseph Smith C) John Wesley D) Buddha
- 21. Where did the religion of Jainism originate?
A) Japan B) Persia C) China D) India
- 22. Who is the founder of Buddhism?
A) Siddhartha Gautama B) Confucius C) Muhammad D) Moses
- 23. What is the ultimate goal of Hinduism?
A) Heaven B) Nirvana C) Samsara D) Moksha
- 24. Which religion celebrates the festival of Diwali?
A) Hinduism B) Christianity C) Buddhism D) Judaism
- 25. What is the Islamic declaration of faith called?
A) Shahada B) Gospel C) Vedas D) Sutra
- 26. In which city is the holiest site in Islam located?
A) Lhasa B) Jerusalem C) Mecca D) Varanasi
- 27. What is the Christian sacrament commemorating the Last Supper?
A) Confession B) Eucharist C) Baptism D) Confirmation
- 28. Who is the father of Abraham, a significant figure in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam?
A) Moses B) Terah C) Adam D) David
- 29. What is the primary language of the Buddhist scriptures?
A) Pali B) Sanskrit C) Hebrew D) Latin
- 30. Which religious figure is associated with the Ten Commandments?
A) Moses B) Buddha C) Muhammad D) Jesus