• 1. Hana : “Good morning. My name is Hana. ___________?” Leo : “Good morning, I am Leo.”
A) What is your name
B) Glad to see you
C) See you
D) Hello
  • 2. Are – Leo – you – how - ? (Arrange into good sentence)
A) Leo how you are?
B) You are how Leo?
C) How are you Leo?
D) Are you Leo how?
  • 3. Doni: "Hi, Farah. Who is she?" Farah: "_______________"
A) What is your name
B) This is my uncle, Zee
C) My name is Farah
D) Good Morning
  • 4. Don’t forget to bring your umbrella. It is raining. “Umbrella” means ...
A) Tas
B) Topi
C) Mantel
D) Payung
  • 5. It is my ... L - R - U - R - E (Arrange into good word)
A) Lurel
B) Ruler
C) Purple
D) Laurel
  • 6. It is a ___. There are lots of fish. E - V - R - I - R (Arrange into good word)
A) Revir
B) Revri
C) River
D) Virer
  • 7. I ... fine, thank you.
A) are
B) am
C) is
D) do
  • 8. A : “It is nice to see you, Ran.” B : “...”
A) I must go now
B) Bye - bye
C) Thank you
D) Its nice to see you too
  • 9. A : “…” B : “Good evening, Rey. Fine, Thank you.”
A) Good evening, Sasa. How are you?.
B) I must go now, Sasa.
C) Good evening, Sasa.
D) How are you, Sasa?
  • 10. How ... you this day?
A) are
B) am
C) is
D) were
  • 11. Oh no, I must go now. ___________.
A) Good bye
B) Very well
C) I am fine
D) How are you?
  • 12. "Ini seekor kuda" In english is ...
A) That is a horse
B) This is a horse
C) This is camel
D) That is camel
  • 13. "Itu seekor burung" In english is ...
A) That is a Butterfly
B) This is a bird
C) This is Butterfly
D) That is a Bird
  • 14. Adi : “I went to book store with my brother.” Boni : “What did you buy?” Adi : “I bought a diary.” What did Adi buy?
A) Pencil Case
B) Novel
C) Book
D) Diary
  • 15. "Ini sepatu abu - abu" In english is ...
A) These are blue shoes
B) These are brown shoes
C) These are black shoes
D) These are grey shoes
  • 16. Dito membeli topi merah. In english "Topi merah" is ...
A) Black hat
B) Pink hat
C) Red hat
D) Green hat
  • 17. A : What are those? B : _________________? (Itu balon biru)
A) Those are grey balloon
B) Those are blue balloon
C) Those are purple balloon
D) These are pink balloon
  • 18. A : What number is it? B : _________________ (Delapan)
A) It is nine
B) It is eight
C) They are eight
D) They are ten
  • 19. A : What number is it? B : _________________ (Empat Puluh)
A) It is four
B) They are forty
C) They are fifty
D) It is forty
  • 20. A : How many pencils are there? B : ________________ (Lima belas)
A) There are fifty pencils
B) There are thirteen pencils
C) There are fifteen pencils
D) There are fourteen pencils
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