Grammar 1
  • 1. Prefixes are used before the root word.
A) False
B) True
C) Maybe
D) Undecided
  • 2. ________ is has in depth meaning in sentences
A) Adverb
B) Suffix
C) Idiomatic expressions
D) Affixation
  • 3. The boy ran fast. Fast is what part of speech
A) Adverb
B) Pronoun
C) Noun
D) Adjective
  • 4. He is a boy. He is what part of speech
A) Preposition
B) Pronoun
C) Interjection
D) Punctuation
  • 5. What is an adverb?
  • 6. The pot calling the kettle black is an example of ______
A) Idiomatic expressions
B) Verb
C) Proverb
D) Article
  • 7. The book is on the table. On is a ____
A) Preposition
B) Noun
C) Adjective
D) Adverb
  • 8. A girl ran quickly down the road. Quickly is ____ part of speech
A) Conjunction
B) Adverb
C) Noun
D) Pronoun
  • 9. Jafar and Idowu are friends. AND is an example of --- part of speech.
A) Conjunction
B) Verb
C) Simile
D) Preposition
  • 10. A leopard killed the goat. A is a _______
A) Rootword
B) Article
C) Irony
D) Phrase
  • 11. A tin of oil is an example of _______
A) Compound noun
B) Countable noun
C) Collective noun
D) Abstract noun
  • 12. An agreement between a subject and an object in a sentence is ______
A) Concord
B) Phrase
C) Condition
D) Noun
  • 13. The man is intelligent, _______?
A) Wasn't he?
B) Isn't he?
C) Hasn't he?
D) Doesn't he?
  • 14. _____is used to indicate the end of a sentence.
A) Hypen
B) Comma
C) Full stop
D) Apostrophe
  • 15. The highest mountain is Mountain _____
A) Everest
B) Kilimanjaro
C) Atlantic
D) Arabia
  • 16. ___ is used to show the exact sentence of a person
A) Brackets
B) Quotation mark
C) Colon
D) Question mark
  • 17. Many, more _____
A) Meet
B) Much
C) Most
D) May
  • 18. Little, less _____
A) Leant
B) Lead
C) Leap
D) Least
  • 19. I am a girl. Am is an example of ____
A) Auxiliary verb
B) Modal verb
C) Lexical verb
D) Standing verb
  • 20. Yourself is an example of ____ pronoun
A) Possessive
B) Personal
C) Demonstrative
D) Reflexive
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