  • 1. What is Shiga toxin associated with?
A) E. coli infections
B) Parasite infections
C) Viral infections
D) Fungal infections
  • 2. Which bacteria primarily produce Shiga toxin?
A) Shigella dysenteriae
B) Salmonella
C) Clostridium
D) Listeria
  • 3. What condition can result from Shiga toxin?
A) Sepsis
B) Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS)
C) Pneumonia
D) Meningitis
  • 4. Which group is at greater risk for severe illness from Shiga toxin?
A) Pregnant women
B) Young children
C) Adults over 50
D) Teenagers
  • 5. Which organ is most affected by hemolytic uremic syndrome?
A) Heart
B) Kidneys
C) Lungs
D) Liver
  • 6. Which of the following is a complication of hemolytic uremic syndrome?
A) Stroke
B) Kidney failure
C) Heart attack
D) Liver cirrhosis
  • 7. How can Shiga toxin be detected?
A) Stool testing
B) Skin biopsy
C) Blood test only
D) Urine analysis
  • 8. What is the incubation period for Shiga toxin-related illness?
A) 10 to 14 days
B) 1 to 2 days
C) 4 to 6 weeks
D) 3 to 10 days
  • 9. How is Shiga toxin different from other bacterial toxins?
A) It inhibits protein synthesis
B) It causes cell lysis
C) It produces gas
D) It forms spores
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