World Of Sex by Henry Miller
  • 1. What is the main theme of 'World Of Sex' by Henry Miller?
A) Historical events of the 20th century
B) Conventional romantic relationships
C) Exploration of sexual freedom
D) Legal battles over obscenity
  • 2. In 'World Of Sex', which city is prominently featured in Miller's experiences?
A) Tokyo
B) Paris
C) New York
D) London
  • 3. What writing style is used by Henry Miller in 'World Of Sex'?
A) Epistolary
B) Stream of consciousness
C) Tragedy
D) Poetic meter
  • 4. What type of literature does 'World Of Sex' belong to?
A) Autobiographical fiction
B) Children's literature
C) Science fiction
D) Historical fiction
  • 5. What year was 'World Of Sex' published?
A) 1950
B) 1935
C) 1940
D) 1945
  • 6. In 'World Of Sex', what does Miller advocate for?
A) Sexual liberation
B) Conventional marriage
C) Repression of desires
D) Celibacy
  • 7. How does Miller approach the topic of love in 'World Of Sex'?
A) As a social obligation
B) As simple and clear-cut
C) As an economic transaction
D) As multifaceted and complex
  • 8. How does 'World Of Sex' portray the city of Paris?
A) As a place of exploration and freedom
B) As a conservative stronghold
C) As dangerous and hostile
D) As a dull and lifeless city
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