A) Modern existentialism B) The philosophy of science C) The distinction between sacred and profane D) The history of religions
A) A philosophical argument B) A historical document C) The manifestation of the sacred D) A type of religious sect
A) Doctrine B) Morality C) Myth D) Rituals only
A) Loss of the sense of the sacred B) Increased religious fervor C) Enhanced cultural diversity D) Greater scientific understanding
A) Phenomenology B) Postmodernism C) Marxism D) Analytic philosophy
A) The profane is superior B) They are fundamentally different realms C) They are identical D) They coexist peacefully
A) All cultures B) Only ancient cultures C) Only Eastern cultures D) Only Western cultures
A) Develop ethical systems B) Re-establish contact with the sacred C) Gain political power D) Create scientific laws |