05 Multiply Decimals by power of 10
__1. 0.05 x 10A. 50
__2. 0.5 x 102B. 0.5
__3. 0.50 x 10C. 5
__4. 0.325 x 102A. 32500
__5. 3.25 x 100B. 325
__6. 32.5 x 103C. 32.5
__7. 0.042 x 102A. 420
__8. 0.42 x 1000B. 4200
__9. 4.2 x 103C. 42
__10. 4.20 x 101D. 4.2
__11. 1.225 x 1000A. 122.5
__12. 12.25 x 101B. 12250
__13. 122.5 x 102C. 1225
__14. 0.556 x ..... =55.6A. 103
__15. 5.56 x ..... = 5560B. 101
__16. 55.6 x ...... = 556C. 102
__17. ........ x 102 = 43.2A. 4.32
__18. ....... x 10 = 432B. 0.432
__19. ....... x 100 = 432C. 43.2
__20. ...... x 103 = 43200D. 43.2
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