- 1. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are often understood as the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies and the culmination of God's redemptive plan for humanity. In the Old Testament, various passages point towards a messianic figure who would suffer, die, and ultimately rise again to bring salvation. For instance, Isaiah 53 describes the suffering servant who would bear the iniquities of many, foreshadowing Jesus' sacrificial death on the cross. Moreover, Psalm 16:10 expresses confidence that God would not abandon His Holy One to decay, which Christians interpret as a prophecy of Jesus' resurrection. The sacrificial system established in Leviticus, where animals were offered for the atonement of sin, is seen as a precursor to Jesus being the ultimate Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Additionally, the Passover narrative of Exodus, where the Israelites marked their doors with the blood of an unblemished lamb to be spared from death, parallels Jesus' role in salvation; just as the blood saved the Israelites, Jesus' blood saves believers from eternal death. This interconnection highlights how Jesus not only embodies the fulfillment of key prophecies but also establishes a new covenant, as referenced in Jeremiah 31:31-34, that signifies a transformed relationship between God and humanity, rooted in grace rather than law. Thus, the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus represent the apex of the Old Testament narrative, illustrating how ancient scriptures were not merely historical accounts but divine anticipations of the coming of the Messiah who would reconcile the world to God.
What is the significance of the Passover lamb in relation to Jesus?
A) The Passover lamb is a symbol of rebellion. B) The Passover lamb represents Moses. C) The Passover lamb has no significance. D) Jesus is seen as the ultimate Passover lamb.
- 2. Which prophecy mentions a suffering servant?
A) Jeremiah 29 speaks of peace. B) Isaiah 53 describes the suffering servant. C) Psalms mentions a king. D) Genesis 3 talks about a promise.
- 3. In which verse does Jesus proclaim that the Scriptures testify about Him?
A) John 1:1. B) John 5:39. C) Luke 9:22. D) Matthew 3:16.
- 4. What does the term 'Messiah' mean in relation to Jesus?
A) Anointed One or Savior. B) Eternal Judge. C) King of Kings. D) Prophet of Prophets.
- 5. Which Psalm is often cited in relation to Jesus’ crucifixion?
A) Psalm 22. B) Psalm 23. C) Psalm 51. D) Psalm 1.
- 6. What does 'Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?' mean, quoting Jesus on the cross?
A) My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? B) Father, into your hands I commit my spirit. C) I am thirsty. D) It is finished.
- 7. In what way did Jesus fulfill the role of High Priest?
A) He performed animal sacrifices. B) He led the Israelites in prayers. C) He established the Aaronic priesthood. D) He offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice.
- 8. Which Old Testament character's story is seen as a typology of Jesus' resurrection?
A) Jonah. B) David. C) Solomon. D) Elijah.
- 9. Which of Jesus' actions is closely related to the Day of Atonement?
A) His baptism. B) His sacrifice for sin. C) His miracle of feeding the 5000. D) His teachings in the temple.
- 10. What does the term 'New Covenant' signify?
A) A cultural change. B) A political alliance. C) A new promise based on Jesus' sacrifice. D) A return to the old laws.
- 11. What was torn at Jesus' death, symbolizing access to God?
A) The city wall. B) The scroll of the law. C) The altar. D) The temple veil.
- 12. Which Gospel emphasizes the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies in Jesus?
A) Matthew. B) John. C) Mark. D) Luke.
- 13. What book of the Old Testament first prophesies the coming of a Messiah?
A) Isaiah B) Genesis C) Exodus D) Psalms
- 14. How many times did Jesus predict his death in the Gospels?
A) One B) Four C) Two D) Three
- 15. Which Old Testament prophecy speaks about Jesus' betrayal for thirty pieces of silver?
A) Micah B) Amos C) Hosea D) Zechariah
- 16. What meal did Jesus share with His disciples before His crucifixion?
A) The Last Supper B) Passover meal C) Feast of Weeks D) Thanksgiving meal
- 17. Which part of Jewish ceremony connects to the atonement for sins?
A) Hannukah B) Sukkot C) Purim D) Yom Kippur
- 18. What is the term for the belief in Jesus' return following his resurrection?
A) Ascension B) Second Coming C) Eschatology D) First Coming
- 19. Who recognized Jesus as the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies?
A) The Pharisees B) The apostles C) The Romans D) The Sadducees