• 1. Observa el dibujo detalladamente hasta encontrar el que describe correctamente la ropa que esta usando Maicol.
A) Maicol is wearing a green hat, a brown shirt, a yellow tie, big black pants and red shoes.
B) Maicol is wearing a green hat, a brown shirt, a blues tie and the big black dress.
C) Maicol is wearing a green hat, a black shirt, an orange tie, big brown pants and yellow shoes.
D) Maicol is wearing a blue hat, a brown skirt, a yellow tie, big black pants and green shoes.
  • 2. what is he wearing?
A) He is wearing a green T-shirt.
B) He is wearing a green scarf.
C) He is wearing a black blouse.
D) He is wearing a red skirt.
  • 3. De acuerdo a los dibujos elige el texto correcto.
A) Its autumn. She wearing a jumper, a coat and a hat.
B) Its winter. He wearing a jacket, jeans and a hat.
C) Its windy.
D) Its very hot. She is wearing a T-shirt, shorts, sunglasses and a hat.
  • 4. Lee los diálogos y luego contesta correctamente. Que ropa no lleva la niña de cabello claro.
A) She is not wearing a yellow shoes.
B) She is wearing a red and white dress.
C) She is not wearing a jumper green.
D) She is wearing a purple tie.
  • 5. Observa el dibujo y elige la opción correcta:
A) Dress, cap, jeans, belt and shoes.
B) Belt, pants, black jacket and jumper.
C) Belt, jacket, socks and sport shoes.
D) Boots, tie, shorts and socks.
  • 6. There are 4 kids in the line. Alan is the first one. Amanda is next. Then Andy and then Camilo. De acuerdo a lo anterior Amanda is the_______ one.
A) Amanda is the fourth one.
B) Amanda is the second one
C) Amanda is the third one.
D) Amanda is the first one.
  • 7. Contando de izquierda a derecha que posición representa el perro. Usa el numero ordinal correcto.
A) Eighth
B) Sixth
C) second
D) seventh
  • 8. Observa la imagen y cuenta que cantidad hay de utensilios de cocina.
A) Five forks, ten spoons, three dishes, three glasses and ten knives.
B) Five forks, twelve spoons, three dishes, three glasses and two knives.
C) eight forks, six knives, ten spoons, seven bowls, nine glasses and six dishes.
D) Five forks, ten spoons, three dishes, three glasses and eighth knives.
  • 9. Resuelve mentalmente la cantidad y expresa su resultado en Inglés.
A) One hundred
B) eighth
C) seventy
D) One hundred-one
  • 10. Que sentido tiene la expresión: I always eat cereal for breakfast.
A) Ella siempre almuerza cereal.
B) Siempre desayuno pan tostado.
C) Siempre como cereal para el desayuno.
D) Yo siempre ceno papas fritas.
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