A) A religious center B) A cultural capital C) A farming community D) A military and trade hub
A) Rome, Italy B) Valencia, Spain C) Cádiz, Spain D) Cartagena, Spain
A) The Carthaginians B) The Greeks C) The Phoenicians D) The Romans
A) It was abandoned B) It was destroyed C) It was captured by the Romans D) It became an economic center
A) Hannibal B) Scipio Africanus C) Julius Caesar D) Augustus
A) Gallia Narbonensis B) Hispania Baetica C) Hispania Tarraconensis D) Hispania Lusitania
A) Corn B) Wool C) Silver D) Olive oil
A) The aqueduct B) The amphitheater C) The basilica D) The bathhouses
A) Strategic harbor B) Defensive high ground C) Fertile land D) Cultural significance |