Working with invertebrates, Alberto León
__1. JellyfishA. ANTHROPODS
__2. LeechB. MOLLUSKS
__3. SnailC. WORMS
__6. AnthropodsA. Have jointed legs and a body
__7. CoelenteratesB. They have a soft body and are protected by a shell
__8. EchinodermsC. It's jellyfish and polyps
__9. MollusksD. They move crawling
__10. WormsE. they live in the sea (they do not live in fresh water). They
__11. Have jointed legs and bodyA. Ant
__12. Regenerates its bodyB. Snail
__13. Sack shape with tentaclesC. Starfish
__14. ScrawlD. Earthworm
__15. Soft body and protected(shell)E. Jellyfish
__16. Transparent body floats in seaF. Polyps
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