- 1. In what year did the French Revolution begin?
A) 1789 B) 1776 C) 1799 D) 1812
- 2. Which event sparked the French Revolution in 1789?
A) Reign of Terror B) Napoleon's rise to power C) Storming of the Bastille D) Execution of Louis XVI
- 3. Who was the king of France at the start of the French Revolution in 1789?
A) Marie Antoinette B) Louis XVI C) Napoleon Bonaparte D) Robespierre
- 4. Which document marked the beginning of the French Revolution in 1789 by setting forth the revolutionary ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity?
A) Constitution of 1791 B) Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen C) Napoleonic Code D) Tennis Court Oath
- 5. What was the name of the revolutionary government that ruled France from 1792 to 1795?
A) Directory B) Committee of Public Safety C) National Convention D) Estates-General
- 6. Which legislative body was abolished during the French Revolution in 1789?
A) Estates-General B) National Assembly C) Cahiers de Doléances D) Convention Nationale
- 7. What was the name of the assembly that represented the common people of France during the French Revolution in 1789?
A) Consulate B) Estates-General C) Committee of Public Safety D) National Assembly
- 8. Who famously proclaimed, 'Let them eat cake' during the French Revolution in 1789?
A) Olympe de Gouges B) Charlotte Corday C) Marie Antoinette D) Madame Roland
- 9. What was the primary goal of the revolutionary leaders during the French Revolution in 1789?
A) To create a federal system B) To restore absolute monarchy C) To establish a republic D) To conquer neighboring countries
- 10. Which city was the epicenter of the French Revolution in 1789?
A) Marseille B) Nice C) Versailles D) Paris
- 11. Who led the radical faction known as the Jacobins during the French Revolution in 1789?
A) Marat B) Saint-Just C) Danton D) Robespierre
- 12. Who was the leader of the Girondins faction during the French Revolution in 1789?
A) Marat B) Robespierre C) Danton D) Brissot
- 13. What was the name of the constitution that established a constitutional monarchy in France in 1789?
A) Napoleonic Code B) Constitution of 1791 C) Charter of 1814 D) Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen