Christmas test
  • 1. how do we dress for christmas on the head?
A) t-shirt
B) music
C) red t-shirt
D) a cap
E) red pents
  • 2. find the word christmas in the solutions.
A) christmas
B) red
C) wow
D) t-shirt
E) post
  • 3. How do you say pencil case in slovenian?
A) Ero
B) Voda
C) Hello
D) Bla
E) Peresnica
  • 4. Find the word voda in the solutions.
A) Voda
B) hp
C) pika
D) roas
E) kaos
  • 5. How do you say christmas in slovenian
A) Nos
B) Bozic
D) oooo
E) Bla
  • 6. How do you say a cap in slovenian?
A) Dragon
B) Bozicna kapa
C) Bla
D) Darilo
E) Blagos
  • 7. find the word christmas in the solutions.
A) red
C) t-shirt
D) christmas
E) wow
  • 8. How do you say pencil case in slovenian?
A) Quit
B) Peresnica
C) own
D) la
E) Guit
  • 9. Kako se reče po angleško ati?
A) Grandad
B) Dad
C) Brother
D) Mum
E) Grandma
  • 10. Kako se po angleško reče mami?
A) Grandma
B) Grandad
C) Dad
D) Mum
E) Brother
  • 11. Konec
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