Quiz 1: Science or Not Science?
  • 1. Green plants will grow towards a light source.
A) Science
B) Not science
  • 2. Some plants eat meat.
A) Science
B) Not science
  • 3. Green plants convert sunlight into energy.
A) Not science
B) Science
  • 4. Without light green plants will die.
A) Not science
B) Science
  • 5. Walking under a ladder will cause bad luck.
A) Pseudo Science
B) Not science
C) Science
  • 6. If you are a “Scorpio”, your horoscope for today is “you’ll say I feel rich”
A) Not science
B) Pseudo Science
C) Science
  • 7. Life comes from life and cannot come from non-life.
A) Science
B) Not science
  • 8. Moses parted the sea so his people could cross to the other side.
A) Not science
B) Pseudo Science
C) Science
  • 9. The Bermuda Triangle causes ships and planes to sink and disappear.
A) Science
B) Pseudo Science
C) Not science
  • 10. The number of human chromosomes was once “known” to be 48, but is now considered to be 46.
A) Not science
B) Science
  • 11. Living things were once grouped into 2 major categories, then 3, then 4, and now 5, because the criteria used for classifying living things has changed.
A) Science
B) Not science
  • 12. We know that the world began about 6000 years ago, and nothing will change that.
A) Not science
B) Pseudo Science
C) Science
  • 13. At one time, it was thought the heart pumped blood out of a large container as an “open system,” but now it is known that blood “circulates” in a closed system.
A) Science
B) Not science
  • 14. Which of the following is not a natural explanation?
A) Interactions between particles from the sun and the earth’s magnetic field cause the Aurora Borealis.
B) All of the explanations are natural.
C) Rain is caused when warm air cools, the water vapor condenses, and the dropletts become to heavy to stay in the air.
D) The length of day is caused by Appollo riding his chariot into the sky.
  • 15. Which of the following is a testable question?
A) Do red grapes taste better than green grapes?
B) Are there more people who like red grapes than green grapes?
C) Are demons responsible for my car not working?
D) Does voodoo magic cause people to get sick in parts of Africa?
  • 16. Which of the following is not a phenomena.
A) lightning
B) A solar eclipse.
C) A trick in a magic show.
D) the change of the moon’s shape during the month
  • 17. Which of the following is a testable question.
A) Will plants grow faster if I add more fertilizer and water them more?
B) Will the angle of the sun in the sky at noon be different at the winter solstice and the summer solstice?
C) Is vegetarianism better than eating meat?
D) Does magic really exist?
  • 18. Which of the following is NOT a testable question.
A) • How does the size of a rubber ball affect the height of its bounce?
B) • How does the ratio of salt added to an ice cream maker effect the amount of time it takes to make ice cream?
C) • How does the amount of water effect the growth of plants?
D) How tall will plants grow?
  • 19. Which of the following is NOT a testable question.
A) • How does the brand of bubble gum affect the size of a bubble blown?
B) • How does the height of a ramp affect the distance a ball rolls?
C) • How does the height of a ramp affect the distance a toy car rolls?
D) Which brand of bubble gum do you like more Bubble Yum or Extra?
  • 20. Which of the following is NOT a testable question.
A) • How does the speed that I approach a jump with (standing, jogging, sprinting) effect the length of a jump?
B) How high will the girl jump?
C) • How does the kind of sugar affect the size of a crystal?
D) • How does the type of liquid used to make ice cubes affect the rate at which it melts?
  • 21. Which of the following is NOT a testable question.
A) • How does the type of paper (copy paper vs. construction paper) effect the distance a paper airplane will fly?
B) • How does eliminating half of the butter in a chocolate chip cookie recipe affect the cookie’s height?
C) • How does the amount of air pressure in a ball and the type of surface affect the height a ball will bounce?
D) • How does the amount of air pressure in a ball affect the height a ball will bounce?
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