- 1. ........is the specific names of people, places, things or ideas
A) Common noun B) Proper noun C) Concrete noun D) Abstract noun
- 2. ........is the general name of people, places, things or ideas
A) Abstract noun B) Proper noun C) Common noun D) Concrete noun
- 3. Identify the common noun in the sentence: Ibrahim is a student at Lagos State University
A) Ibrahim B) student C) is D) Lagos State University
- 4. Identify the proper noun in the sentence: Abdul Mateen plays with his friends.
A) plays B) Abdul Mateen C) friends D) with his friends
- 5. ....... is a noun that has plural forms and can be counted
A) Uncountable noun B) Countable noun C) Abstract noun D) Concrete noun
- 6. ....... is a noun that does not have plural forms and cannot be counted
A) Uncountable noun B) Abstract noun C) Concrete noun D) Countable noun
- 7. Flower is a ...... noun
A) Concrete noun B) Abstract noun C) Countable noun D) Uncountable noun
A) Uncountable noun B) Countable noun C) Abstract noun
- 9. The following are examples of pronoun except
A) We B) She C) I'm D) You
- 10. Pick the correct expression
A) Peju and me were friends B) Peju and I was friend C) Peju and me are friends D) Peju and I are friends
- 11. Pick the correct expression
A) They caught the boy who had stolen the teacher's bag B) They caught the boy which had stolen the teacher's bag C) They caught the boy that was stolen the teacher's bag D) They caught the boy that stolen the teacher's bag
- 12. Pick the correct expression
A) Whose house is this? B) What house is this? C) Whom house is this? D) When house is this?
- 13. Pick the correct expression
A) Neither Shehu or Danladi had completed their task B) Neither Shehu and Danladi had completed their task C) Neither Shehu nor Danladi had completed their task D) Either Shehu nor Danladi had completed their task
- 14. Fill in the blank space with the correct word:I don't know why .......are running
A) they B) them C) there D) their
- 15. ........are happy to be in school
A) Their B) There C) They D) Them
- 16. We shall join them whenever.....are coming
A) their B) there C) they D) them
- 17. Pull, put, full are examples of the...... sound
A) /I/ B) /U/ C) /u:/ D) /I:/
- 18. Food, fuse, suit are examples of the...... sound
A) /u/ B) /I/ C) /u:/ D) /I:/
- 19. The building is very tall: tall in the sentence is an example of..... adjective
A) Demonstrative B) Quantitative C) Classifying D) Qualitative
- 20. Which car would you like to buy: which in the sentence is an example of..... adjective
A) Interrogation B) Quantitative C) Possessive D) Demonstrative
- 21. Fill in the blank space with a correct expression : My father's brother is my.......
A) Sibling B) Nephew C) Uncle D) Counsin
- 22. The doctor specializes.......the treatment of chest diseases
A) At B) Over C) In D) On
- 23. Have you......the news paper
A) Read B) Reed C) Red D) Ride
- 24. A.....of people gathered at the accident scene
A) Host B) Crowd C) Colony D) Hurdle
- 25. You prefer playing soccer to volley ball........you?
A) Will B) Won't you C) Don't you D) Do
- 26. There were.....cars at the motor park
A) Plenty B) Lots C) Much D) Many
- 27. I object...... your joining our school team
A) at B) to C) on D) by
- 28. Adeola has no parents so,he is......
A) an outcast B) a destitude C) a bastard D) an orphan
- 29. The accused person was ......in prison
A) excorted B) put C) punished D) remanded
- 30. The cloth was......blue with the indigo by the designer
A) die B) do C) dyed D) done
- 31. Prose is divided into.....
A) scenes B) stanzas C) acts D) chapters
- 32. ......is common to all the three genres of literature
A) Lyrics B) Prose C) Lines D) Language
- 33. The writer of a drama is also known as
A) hero B) author C) playwright D) poet
- 34. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the word in capital letter :The land is BARREN
A) new B) rough C) old D) fertile
- 35. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the word in capital letter:He had a NATURAL look but his wife has .......one
A) a sophisticated B) a fine C) a beautiful D) an artificial
- 36. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the word in capital letter:Yemisi puts on LOOSE garments on Sundays
A) tight B) clean C) untidy D) unclean
- 37. Choose the word that is nearest in meaning to the word in capital letter:Chinua Achebe is a RENOWNED novelist
A) hostile B) friendly C) wonderful D) famous
- 38. Choose the word that is nearest in meaning to the word in capital letter: When we could not find the boy,we suspected that he must have been ABDUCTED
A) kidnapped B) stolen C) arrested D) killed
- 39. Choose the word that is nearest in meaning to the word in capital letter:The boy was ANXIOUS to see his benefactor
A) polite B) eager C) afraid D) annoyed
- 40. Choose to word that has the same sound as the word in capital letter:Brick
A) comb B) tomb C) baby
- 41. Choose the word that has the same sound as the word in capital letter : PSYchology
A) ample B) proof C) psalm D) tamper
- 42. Choose the word that has the same sound as the word in capital letter:dAm
A) choose B) card C) plan D) purse
- 43. Choose the word that has the same sound as the word in capital letter:hARsh
A) dummy B) peace C) alarm D) game
- 44. Choose the word that has the same sound as the word in capital letter:crAm
A) dark B) choose C) love D) ride
- 45. Replace the word in capital letter with the correct pronoun:CHIKA gave a book to Amina
A) you B) I C) he D) her
- 47. MOTHER and FATHER watched Bala
A) she B) he C) them D) they
- 48. The man walked ten miles......is the verb in the sentence
A) man B) walked C) ten miles
- 49. The woman shouted at the man......is the verb in the sentence
A) shouted B) woman C) the man
- 50. The child ran towards his mother......is the verb in the sentence
A) mother B) towards C) ran