Scientific classification
  • 1. Scientific classification is a hierarchical system that describes the relationships among living organisms. It involves organizing species into different levels of groups based on their shared physical characteristics and evolutionary history. The main levels of classification, from broadest to most specific, are domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. This system helps scientists to categorize and study the immense diversity of life on Earth, providing a way to understand the evolutionary connections between different species and their place in the natural world.

    What is the science of classifying living organisms called?
A) Ecology
B) Taxonomy
C) Botany
D) Zoology
  • 2. What is the highest taxonomic rank in the Linnaean classification system?
A) Class
B) Kingdom
C) Phylum
D) Order
  • 3. Which kingdom includes organisms that are multicellular, eukaryotic, and photosynthetic?
A) Protista
B) Animalia
C) Plantae
D) Fungi
  • 4. Which taxonomic rank is a group of similar families?
A) Class
B) Species
C) Genus
D) Order
  • 5. On what basis are organisms grouped into kingdoms in the five-kingdom classification system?
A) Physical size
B) Cellular structure and mode of nutrition
C) Behavioral traits
D) Geographical distribution
  • 6. Who is known as the 'Father of Taxonomy'?
A) Gregor Mendel
B) Charles Darwin
C) Alfred Wallace
D) Carl Linnaeus
  • 7. Which classification system uses evolutionary relationships to group organisms?
A) Cladistics
B) Linnaean taxonomy
C) Binomial nomenclature
D) Phylogenetics
  • 8. Which domain includes organisms with prokaryotic cells?
A) Eukarya
B) Archaea
C) Bacteria
D) Fungi
  • 9. In binomial nomenclature, the first part of the scientific name represents the ____.
A) Order
B) Species
C) Phylum
D) Genus
  • 10. Who developed the five-kingdom classification system?
A) Charles Darwin
B) Robert Whittaker
C) Carl Linnaeus
D) Gregor Mendel
  • 11. Which classification rank is a group of similar classes?
A) Species
B) Family
C) Genus
D) Phylum
  • 12. What is the process of assigning each species a universally accepted name called?
A) Evolution
B) Domestication
C) Classification
D) Nomenclature
  • 13. Which kingdom includes organisms with cell walls made of chitin?
A) Plantae
B) Animalia
C) Fungi
D) Protista
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