  • 1. What is Andouillette primarily made from?
A) Beef
B) Lamb
C) Chicken
D) Pig intestines
  • 2. What country is Andouillette traditionally associated with?
A) Spain
B) Italy
C) Germany
D) France
  • 3. Andouillette has a distinct what?
A) Sound
B) Color
C) Shape
D) Smell
  • 4. Andouillette is considered what type of food?
A) Vegetarian
B) Charcuterie
C) Seafood
D) Dairy
  • 5. What is the texture of Andouillette?
A) Smooth
B) Creamy
C) Crunchy
D) Coarse
  • 6. What is the main seasoning used in Andouillette?
A) Pepper
B) Oregano
C) Cumin
D) Paprika
  • 7. In which type of cuisine is Andouillette primarily found?
A) Japanese cuisine
B) Italian cuisine
C) French cuisine
D) Mexican cuisine
  • 8. What is a common preparation for Andouillette at restaurants?
A) Boiled with rice
B) Served raw with salad
C) Grilled with sauce
D) Baked in pastry
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