- 1. Political sociology is the study of power and the intersection between politics and society. It explores how individuals and groups interact within political systems, the dynamics of power relations, and the impact of politics on societal structures. Political sociologists analyze how power is distributed, maintained, and challenged in various contexts, including institutions, movements, and communities. They also examine the role of social structures, culture, and identity in shaping political behavior and outcomes. Overall, political sociology sheds light on the complex interplay between politics, society, and power dynamics in shaping the world we live in.
What is the term for the way power is distributed in society?
A) Power structure B) Political hierarchy C) Distribution theory D) Authority system
- 2. What is the term for a group of people who seek to influence public policy or a particular issue?
A) Interest group B) Activist organization C) Public lobby D) Advocacy coalition
- 3. Which theory emphasizes the role of economic interests in shaping political outcomes?
A) Functionalism B) Critical theory C) Postmodernism D) Marxist theory
- 4. What term describes the process through which political beliefs and values are passed down from one generation to the next?
A) Political socialization B) Cultural indoctrination C) Social conditioning D) Ideological propagation
- 5. Which type of power is based on a person's charisma, personality, or reputation?
A) Institutional power B) Personal power C) Coercive power D) Legitimate power
- 6. The study of political behavior within social systems is known as:
A) Policy science B) Socio-political analysis C) Political sociology D) Governmental studies
- 7. Which term describes the ability to control resources and impose one's will on others?
A) Influence B) Authority C) Power D) Leadership
- 8. The distribution of power determines the behavior of:
A) Economic elites B) Political parties C) Government officials D) Individuals and groups
- 9. What term describes a formal organization that exercises political authority?
A) Government B) Regime C) Sovereignty D) State
- 10. Which type of authority is based on the perception that a leader has a right to dictate behavior?
A) Traditional authority B) Expert authority C) Charismatic authority D) Rational-legal authority
- 11. Which term refers to the sum of activities involved in obtaining and exercising power within a society?
A) Governance B) Politics C) Policy-making D) Legislation
- 12. Which theory focuses on the role of gender in shaping power dynamics in society?
A) Conflict theory B) Rational choice theory C) Structural-functionalism D) Feminist theory
- 13. What is the term for a society ruled by a relatively small number of people?
A) Democracy B) Monarchy C) Anarchy D) Oligarchy
- 14. The 'Iron Law of Oligarchy' was proposed by?
A) Michel Foucault B) Karl Popper C) Erving Goffman D) Robert Michels
- 15. Who focused on the concept of 'social capital' in political sociology?
A) George Herbert Mead B) Pierre Bourdieu C) Max Horkheimer D) Ferdinand Tönnies
- 16. Which sociologist introduced the concept of the 'power elite'?
A) Herbert Spencer B) C. Wright Mills C) Anthony Giddens D) Robert Merton