AIC JS 3 CCA 3rd CA for 2nd Term
  • 1. ……….. is an art of combining sounds in an organized manner
A) Music
B) Culture
C) Art
D) Noise
  • 2. The family of African musical instruments constructed with animal skin are called
A) Membranophones
B) Aerophones
C) Idiophones
D) Chordophones
  • 3. ……… is a person who writes drama
A) Musician
B) Dramatist
C) Director
D) Cast
  • 4. People that are involved in drama production are called
A) Drama personnel
B) Cast
C) Crew
D) Audience
  • 5. A kind of drama whereby actors and actresses cover or disguise his or her face for the role to play is
A) Comedy
B) Mask drama
C) Tragicomedy
D) Melodrama
  • 6. The group of people that come to the theater to watch a play are called
A) Ham acting
B) Stage fright
C) Audience
D) Spectator
  • 7. The first stage of rehearsal is
A) Action
B) Movement
C) Reading
D) Technical
  • 8. The act of practicing a drama for better performance is called
A) Get set
B) Rehearsal
C) Go
D) Action
  • 9. A raised area in a theatre where actors and actresses stand when they perform is
A) Raised ground
B) Stage
C) Alter
D) Theatre
  • 10. Clothes and accessories worn by actors and actresses in a play or film is called
A) Gowns
B) Party wears
C) Make up
D) Costume
  • 11. ………. add to the facial or body beauty of an actor or actress
A) Age
B) Costume
C) Make over
D) Make up
  • 12. Box office is
A) A situation where an actor does not keep within bounds
B) When an actor accidentally forgets his line
C) An enclosure at a theatre where tickets for show are sold
D) The time spent practicing a play
  • 13. The use of electric light to control affairs on the stage is
A) Stage control
B) Stage affairs
C) Stage fright
D) Stage lightning
  • 14. ………… is a musical instrument used for announcement and to call people’s attention
A) Agogo
B) Oja
C) Omele
D) Gangan
  • 15. Script is
A) A written text of a play
B) A male who performs on a stage
C) The storyline
D) The use of words in literature
  • 16. The two types of make up are
A) Straight and traditional
B) Curve and bend
C) Curve and corner
D) Straight and foundation
  • 17. ………. music is used to send babies to sleep
A) Lullaby
B) Relaxation
C) Healing
D) Festival
  • 18. Dance drama is a process where ……… is used as a major means of expression
A) Dance
B) Rhythm
C) Music
D) Speech
  • 19. The last stage of rehearsal is
A) Reading
B) Movement
C) Dress and technical
D) Blocking
  • 20. The time and place in which a story is told is
A) Setting
B) Script
C) Plot
D) Diction
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