Epic of Gilgamesh by Unknown
  • 1. What does Gilgamesh seek after the death of Enkidu?
A) Power
B) Immortality
C) Wealth
D) Revenge
  • 2. Who created Enkidu?
A) Humans
B) Spirits
C) Animals
D) The gods
  • 3. What city does Gilgamesh rule?
A) Babylon
B) Nippur
C) Uruk
D) Sumer
  • 4. Who is the goddess that Gilgamesh spurns?
A) Inanna
B) Ninsun
C) Ereshkigal
D) Ishtar
  • 5. What was sent to punish Gilgamesh for spurning Ishtar?
A) A plague
B) A lion
C) The Bull of Heaven
D) A flood
  • 6. Who does Gilgamesh consult about immortality?
A) Ninsun
B) Utnapishtim
C) Enkidu
D) Ea
  • 7. What does Gilgamesh ultimately learn about life?
A) Fear of death
B) Desire for wealth
C) Acceptance of mortality
D) Rejection of friendship
  • 8. The story of the Great Flood in the Epic parallels which other story?
A) The story of Moses
B) The story of Hercules
C) The story of Noah
D) The story of Odysseus
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