• 1. What type of communicative strategy is evident in this statement?”have you noticed the weird weather lately? Is it because of the global warming?
A) Nomination
B) Turn-Taking
C) Topic Control
D) Restriction
  • 2. Which of the following sentences is an exampl of termination?
A) I agree with the point just made
B) May i have the floor sir?
C) I was late for class again
D) Okay, all done.
  • 3. Which type of communicative strategy uses verbal and nonverbal to end an interaction
A) Restriction
B) Turn-taking
C) Nomination
D) Termination
  • 4. Which of the following is an example of turn-taking?
A) I agree with the point just made
B) May i have the floor sir?
C) I was late for class again!
D) Okay, all done
  • 5. Which type of communicative strategy contrains of restricts the respones of the other people involve communication situation?
A) Termination
B) Restriction
C) Nomination
D) Turn-Taking
  • 6. What type of communicative strategy is evident in thes sentence?”I agree with the point just made.But may i add the OFWs would rather be home and work here so they could be with their families”.
A) Termination
B) Topic Shifting
C) Topic control
D) Turn-Taking
  • 7. Which is a type of communicative strategy that refers to how speakers address the problems in speaking, listening, and comprehending that they may encounter in a conversation?
A) Topic control
B) Topic shifting
C) Restriction
D) Repair
  • 8. Which of the following types of communicative strategy covers how procedural or informality affects the development of topic in conversation?
A) Termination
B) Topic contol
C) Turn-Taking
D) Topic shifting
  • 9. What type of communicative strategy uses conversational transitions like "By the way", "In addition to what you said", and "Which reminds me of"?
A) Turn-Taking
B) Topic control
C) Termination
D) Topic shifting
  • 10. What type of communicative strategy is evident in this sentence? "How often do you read books John? Have you encountered problems while reading?"
A) Topic shifting
B) Termination
C) Turn-taking
D) Topic control
  • 11. What speech context is applicable when you use microphone in talking to people?
A) Intrapersonal
B) Public
C) Consultation
D) Dyad
  • 12. What non-verbal cues that should be emphasized and be incorporated in carrying out the message to the audience?
A) Facial expression, gestures, movement
B) Use of harsh word
C) Having a well-modulated voice
D) Blinking of an eye
  • 13. What is the difference between frozen and formal speech style?
A) Formal style is more restricted while frozen style is the standard one.
B) Frozen style has a facilitator and it mostly occurs in ceremonies however formal style formal style occurs among close family members or individuals.
C) Formal style is used in formal settings like State of the nation Address of the President, while frozen style mostly occurs in ceremonies and it is remain unchanged
D) Frozen style is used in ceremonies while formal style is used in presentation.
  • 14. What speech context refers to this situation? There are moments that we ponder on things around us in our private moments alone.
A) Public
B) Intrapersonal
C) Mass media
D) Interpersonal
  • 15. What type of speech style is used when we speak of closeness commonly used in personal conversations with friends?
A) Formal
B) Intimate
C) Casual
D) Consultative
  • 16. What communicative strategy applies to this line. "Now, it's your turn to ask questions."?
A) Turn taking
B) Nomination
C) Repair
D) Topic control
  • 17. Which speech style did she use? Lita learned that Rina's performance in school is not good. It is because of family matters. In order to help her, she decided to talk to her.
A) Passive
B) Intimate
C) Frozen
D) Passive-agressive
  • 18. What utterance is considered as an action, particularly regarding to its intention and purpose?
A) Speech style
B) Speech context
C) Speech act
D) Speech
  • 19. What speech act is used in this situation? You are fired! Marta's boss said after she did not perform well in her job and fails to meet the required sales quota for consecutive months.
A) Commissive
B) Mass communication
C) Directive
D) Declaration
  • 20. What communicative strategy is applied in this situation? You were asked to deliver a speech on digital natives but given a limited issues to cite and asked not to discuss something else.
A) Restriction
B) Topic control
C) Nomination
D) Turn-taking
  • 21. Which of the following entails looking into the profile of your target audience?
A) Audience analysis
B) Purpose
C) Narrowing down a topic
D) Data gathering
  • 22. Which of these is NOT a demographic profile factor?
A) Nationality
B) Age
C) Educational background
D) Attitudes
  • 23. The following are possible sources of your information and ideas in writing a speech EXCEPT:
A) Website
B) Books/Periodicals
C) Diary
D) Interview/Survey
  • 24. What is the purpose for writing or delivering a speech which provides the audience with well-argued ideas that can influence their own beliefs and decisions?
A) Informative speech
B) Entertainment speech
C) Manuscript speech
D) Persuasive speech
  • 25. What is the speech writing process that gives the writer a clear sense of the purpose of the speech?
A) Identifying the topic
B) Determining the purpose of the speech
C) Conducting an audience analysis
D) Narrowing down the topic
  • 26. Which of the following is NOT a part of attitudinal analysis?
A) Beliefs
B) Attitudes
C) Occasion
D) Values
  • 27. What is the purpose of the speech if it provides the audience with amusement?
A) To persuade
B) To inform
C) To entertain
D) To express
  • 28. What is the next thing to do after identifying the purpose of the speech?
A) Determining the purpose of the speech
B) Conducting an audience analysis
C) Selecting a topic
D) Gathering data
  • 29. In application what stage/s of writing do you do the following: Conducting audience analysis, determining the purpose of the speech, selecting a topic, narrowing down a topic, and gathering data?
A) During writing
B) During/pre-writing
C) Pre-writing
D) After writing
  • 30. What is the focal point of the speech?
A) Audience
B) Purpose
C) Topic
D) Data
  • 31. Which of the following speech writing pattern is best for the topic, "The Use of Different Renewable Energies to Fuel Vehicles"?
A) Comparison/Contrast
B) Problem-Cause-Solution
C) Chronological
D) Biographical
  • 32. Which of the following topics is not appropriate for Comparison/Contrast speech pattern?
A) Fedelism and democracy
B) The effects of poverty and drugs
C) Coffe or tea
D) City life vs. Province life
  • 33. Which of the following is using a chronological pattern?
A) Unique dishes of the Philippines
B) The effects of Video Games to IQ
C) The 3 best inventions of Maria Orosa
D) Do It Yourself: CHAO LONG
  • 34. What speech writing is best for "Does Advertising affects brand image?"
A) Promblem-cause-solution
B) Biographical
C) Chronological
D) Causal
  • 35. Which of the following pattern is best for this purpose, "To encourage students to apply inja TESDA course"
A) Categorical/Topical
B) Chronological
C) Problem-cause-solution
D) Biographical
  • 36. What speech writing pattern is best for the topic, "The Life of Ramon Mitra Jr."?
A) Comparison/Contrast
B) Biographical
C) Categorical
D) Causal
  • 37. Which of the following identifies a blueprint that a speaker uses while preparing for a speech?
A) Research studies
B) Audience Analysis
C) Speech outline
D) Stadium
  • 38. Which of the following is NOT part of the conclusion?
A) Restating the thesis statement
B) Forecast of main points
C) Clincher
D) Summary the main points
  • 39. Which of the following explains the main idea of your speech?
A) Conclusion
B) Body of the speech
C) Reference
D) Introduction
  • 40. What part of a speech outline states the purpose to grab the attention of the audience and present the subject of your speech?
A) Reference
B) Body of the speech
C) Introductions
D) Conclusion
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