Shawnee National Forest
  • 1. In which state is the Shawnee National Forest located?
A) Illinois
B) Missouri
C) Indiana
D) Kentucky
  • 2. Shawnee National Forest is known for which natural feature?
A) Deserts
B) Glaciers
C) Volcanoes
D) Rock formations
  • 3. Which year was Shawnee National Forest established?
A) 1939
B) 1945
C) 1920
D) 1950
  • 4. What is a notable landmark in the Shawnee National Forest?
A) Garden of the Gods
B) Grand Canyon
C) Niagara Falls
D) Yosemite Falls
  • 5. Which animal is commonly found in Shawnee National Forest?
A) Polar bear
B) White-tailed deer
C) Penguin
D) Kangaroo
  • 6. What type of geology is prominent in Shawnee National Forest?
A) Sandstone formations
B) Coral reefs
C) Igneous activity
D) Basalt flows
  • 7. What is the main visitor center for Shawnee National Forest?
A) Forest Gateway Center
B) Adventures Visitor Center
C) Nature Exploration Center
D) Shawnee National Forest Visitor Center
  • 8. What is the average annual rainfall in Shawnee National Forest?
A) 45 inches
B) 30 inches
C) 60 inches
D) 75 inches
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