  • 1. What animal is often associated with the god Ammon?
A) Lion
B) Eagle
C) Serpent
D) Ram
  • 2. Who was Ammon's consort?
A) Isis
B) Nephthys
C) Hathor
D) Mut
  • 3. What city was primarily associated with the worship of Ammon?
A) Alexandria
B) Cairo
C) Thebes
D) Memphis
  • 4. Which Greek name is Ammon often associated with?
A) Apollo
B) Ares
C) Hades
D) Zeus Ammon
  • 5. What was the famous oracle dedicated to Ammon?
A) Siwa Oasis
B) Delphi
C) Denderah
D) Giza
  • 6. What pharaoh built the temple dedicated to Ammon at Karnak?
A) Seti I
B) Ramses II
C) Tutankhamun
D) Akhenaten
  • 7. Which of the following is a major festival dedicated to Ammon?
A) The Harvest Festival
B) The Festival of the New Year
C) The Festival of Lights
D) The Opet Festival
  • 8. What was Ammon often referred to as in his worship?
A) The Great Mother
B) The Mighty Warrior
C) The Wise One
D) The Hidden One
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