- 1. The Covenant with Noah is a significant event in the biblical narrative that represents a divine promise made by God to humanity following the great flood described in the Book of Genesis. According to the scriptures, after the floodwaters receded, God established a covenant with Noah, his family, and all living creatures, signifying that He would never again destroy the earth with a flood. This covenant was marked by the sign of the rainbow, which was set in the sky as a reminder of God's pledge to maintain the natural order and spare creation from such devastation. Through this covenant, God reaffirmed His commitment to life and indicated the sanctity of human life by prohibiting murder, thus laying the groundwork for ethical conduct among humanity. This divine promise highlights themes of mercy, grace, and hope, as well as humanity's place within God's creation and the responsibilities entrusted to them in stewarding the earth. The story of Noah and the covenant serves as a foundational narrative that underscores the relationship between God and humanity, and it resonates throughout religious thought, symbolizing the enduring nature of divine promises.
What is the primary purpose of God's covenant with Noah?
A) To give Noah a new land. B) To never again flood the earth. C) To establish a new religion. D) To appoint Noah as king.
- 2. What sign did God give Noah as a symbol of the covenant?
A) A burning bush. B) A star. C) A rainbow. D) A dove.
- 3. In which book of the Bible is the covenant with Noah primarily described?
A) Exodus. B) Genesis. C) Leviticus. D) Deuteronomy.
- 4. Which event does Noah's covenant relate to?
A) The creation. B) The great flood. C) The Tower of Babel. D) The Exodus.
- 5. After the flood, what did Noah send out to check for dry land?
A) A sparrow. B) A raven. C) An eagle. D) A dove.
- 6. What was God's command to Noah after the flood?
A) Sacrifice animals. B) Be fruitful and multiply. C) Create laws. D) Build more cities.
- 7. How long did Noah live?
A) 600 years. B) 800 years. C) 1200 years. D) 950 years.
- 8. What substance is associated with Noah's drunkenness?
A) Water. B) Strong drink. C) Beer. D) Wine.
- 9. Where did Noah land the ark?
A) Mount Sinai. B) Mount Zion. C) Mount Everest. D) Mount Ararat.
- 10. What did God promise never to do again?
A) Create storms. B) Let the sun set. C) Let Noah die. D) Destroy the earth with a flood.
- 11. How did God show His covenant with Noah to the people?
A) Through the rainbow. B) In a vision. C) With a written law. D) By speaking directly.
- 12. In the biblical account, what was the first thing Noah did after the flood?
A) Settle in a new land. B) Planted a vineyard. C) Checked on the animals. D) Built an altar to the Lord.
- 13. What does the flood story symbolize in many religions?
A) Judgment and rebirth. B) Chaos and despair. C) Prosperity and success. D) Isolation and solitude.
- 14. What did the ark symbolize in Noah’s story?
A) Isolation and fear. B) Safety and salvation. C) Wealth and prosperity. D) Power and authority.
- 15. What was Noah's profession?
A) A farmer B) A fisherman C) A merchant D) A carpenter
- 16. Who was Noah's oldest son?
A) Ham B) Shem C) Japheth D) Abel
- 17. Which bird did Noah send out to check the land?
A) A pigeon B) A raven C) An eagle D) A sparrow
- 18. Who was the ancestor of all humanity after the flood?
A) Moses B) Abraham C) Adam D) Noah
- 19. What is the term for the covenant mentioned with Noah?
A) Mosaic Covenant B) Noahic Covenant C) Abrahamic Covenant D) Davidic Covenant
- 20. What does the name 'Noah' mean?
A) Rest or comfort B) Leader C) Builder D) Faithful
- 21. Who is Noah's father?
A) Seth B) Methuselah C) Lamech D) Adam
- 22. What is one key difference between the Noahic covenant and other covenants in the Bible?
A) It is unconditional B) It is only for Israel C) It requires sacrifice D) It includes strict laws
- 23. What happened to Noah after the flood?
A) He ascended to heaven B) He became drunk C) He built a city D) He fought battles
- 24. What gift did Noah give to God after the flood?
A) Wine and bread B) Animals C) Gold and silver D) Burnt offerings
- 25. In the context of the covenant, what is significant about the rainbow?
A) It is man's invention B) It is God's promise C) It is a sign of judgment D) It is a natural phenomenon
- 26. What does Genesis 9:6 emphasize about human life?
A) The value of human life B) The need for leaders C) The importance of wealth D) The punishment of sin
- 27. How many people were saved on Noah's ark?
A) Four B) Eight C) Twelve D) Six
- 28. What does the term 'covenant' signify in the biblical context?
A) A sacred agreement B) A law C) A prophecy D) An offering
- 29. What type of animals were not permitted on the ark?
A) Unclean animals B) All animals were allowed C) Birds only D) Land animals only