ISLQ G7 U4 revision
  • 1. What is 32% of 450kg? (no decimal)
  • 2. 0.45% of 1960km is how far? (1 dp)
  • 3. What is 148% of $80 (nearest dollar, no dp))
  • 4. What is 0.2853 as a percentage? (2 dp, use % symbol)
  • 5. What is 5.34 as a percentage? (no dp, use % symbol)
  • 6. What is 2/5 as a percentage? (no space use % symbol)
  • 7. What is 3/10 as a percentage (no space use % symbol)
  • 8. What is 23/72 as a percentage? (no space, no dp, use % symbol)
  • 9. Jimbo gets 32/40 for an exam. What % did he score? (no space use % symbol)
  • 10. 12 out of 10000 electronic parts are defective. What % are defective? (2dp, use % symbol)
  • 11. You need to work out 6% of $400. To do this, first work out 1% of 400 (in your head) and then multiply by what number?
  • 12. You need to work out 30% of 500kg. To do this you could find 10% of 500 (in your head) and then multiply by what number?
  • 13. 723L is reduced by 20%. What is the new volume? (round to nearest L,use L)
  • 14. Modifications to a car has increased its power by 18%. What is the new power output if the car produced 265KW of power before?(no units, no dp)
  • 15. A 700GB hard drive has had 30% of its space corrupted by a virus. Dang! How much usable space is left?(use GB, no dp)
  • 16. $42500 is invested at 4% per annum simple interest for 3 years. What is the final balance after 3 years? (no dp, no spaces, use $ sign)
  • 17. A person was 72kg and are now 65kg. What is their % weight loss? (use %, no dp)
  • 18. The population of a city climbs from 1.23 million to 1.48 million in 1 year. What is the % population increase?(use %, no dp)
  • 19. It is 384 400 km to the moon and the circumference of the earth is 40075 km. What is the circumference of the earth expressed as the percentage of the distance to the moon?(use %, no dp)
  • 20. 13% more than a number is 170. What is that number? (no dp)
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