New York taken from Dutch by British
  • 1. When did the British take control of New York from the Dutch?
A) 1776
B) 1664
C) 1492
D) 1607
  • 2. Who was the English naval officer responsible for capturing New Amsterdam in 1664?
A) Peter Stuyvesant
B) Thomas Dongan
C) Henry Hudson
D) Richard Nicolls
  • 3. What was the original name of New York City when it was under Dutch control?
A) New Groningen
B) New Amsterdam
C) New Rotterdam
D) New London
  • 4. What was the new name given to the Dutch colony of New Netherland after the English took control?
A) New York
B) New Cornwall
C) New London
D) New Wessex
  • 5. The Duke of York, to whom New Netherland was granted by the English king, later became which English monarch?
A) William III
B) James II
C) Anne
D) Charles II
  • 6. What was the name of the ship captained by Richard Nicolls during the capture of New Amsterdam?
A) Mayflower
B) Guinea
C) Half Moon
D) Discovery
  • 7. What was the name of the initial fort established by the Dutch on the southern tip of Manhattan Island?
A) New Amsterdam Castle
B) Fort Orange
C) Fort Nassau
D) Fort Amsterdam
  • 8. What is the name of the document that confirmed the English possession of New Netherland in 1664?
A) Treaty of Westminster
B) Charter of Liberties and Privileges
C) Acts of Union
D) Edict of Nantes
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