unit2 week 5
  • 1. I will ________the ball.
A) whale
B) catch
C) chin
  • 2. I see the _______in the blue water.
A) catch
B) whale
C) chin
  • 3. Will you go _______me to eat?
A) whale
B) chin
C) with
  • 4. I hurt my ______when I was on my bike.
A) whale
B) with
C) chin
  • 5. Some farmers use a ________for their animals.
A) with
B) catch
C) whip
  • 6. The two girls ______today.
A) match
B) whale
C) many
  • 7. Look at a map to see where the ____is at.
A) chin
B) place
C) around
  • 8. I like to ______for shoes.
A) shop
B) chin
C) whale
  • 9. In math, we will _______how many kids are in the class.
A) whale
B) graph
C) chin
  • 10. I had to look __________for the bird.
A) catch
B) around
C) graph
  • 11. I have too ____ shoes.
A) many
B) chin
C) around
  • 12. Can he sit _____me?
A) by
B) many
C) whale
  • 13. I will _______the eggs to eat.
A) whale
B) whip
C) chin
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