Jewish Talmud written
  • 1. Who is traditionally credited with compiling the Babylonian Talmud?
A) Rashi
B) Ravina
C) Rabbi Ashi
D) Rabbi Yochanan
  • 2. Which language is the Talmud primarily written in?
A) Hebrew
B) Greek
C) Aramaic
D) Yiddish
  • 3. What is the other name for the Jerusalem Talmud?
A) Talmud Bavli
B) Tosefta
C) Talmud Yerushalmi
D) Mishnah Berurah
  • 4. What is the Talmud section dealing with Jewish civil and criminal law called?
A) Kodshim
B) Nashim
C) Nezikin
D) Moed
  • 5. Which Talmudic tractate deals specifically with the laws of blessings and prayers?
A) Ketubot
B) Megillah
C) Berakhot
D) Sanhedrin
  • 6. Who is considered one of the most important commentators on the Talmud known for his concise commentary?
A) Rabbi Akiva
B) Maimonides
C) Rashi
D) Rambam
  • 7. What is the term for a disagreement between different rabbis in the Talmud?
A) Aggadah
B) Teshuvah
C) Halacha
D) Machloket
  • 8. What is the Talmudic term for a legend, parable, or anecdote used to illustrate a point?
A) Seder
B) Tosafot
C) Halacha
D) Aggadah
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