- 1. When was William Henry Harrison born?
A) 1825 B) 1773 C) 1800 D) 1850
- 2. Which war did William Henry Harrison fight in?
A) War of 1812 B) World War I C) Vietnam War D) Civil War
- 3. What was William Henry Harrison's nickname?
A) The Rough Rider B) Old Tippecanoe C) The Great Emancipator D) The Great Compromiser
- 4. How long was William Henry Harrison's presidency?
A) 1 year B) 7 years C) 12 years D) 31 days
- 5. In what year did William Henry Harrison die while in office?
A) 1799 B) 1901 C) 1841 D) 2000
- 6. Before becoming president, William Henry Harrison served as the governor of which state?
A) Ohio B) Virginia C) New York D) Indiana
- 7. Who was William Henry Harrison's vice president?
A) John Tyler B) James Madison C) Andrew Jackson D) Thomas Jefferson
- 8. Which battle during the War of 1812 is William Henry Harrison most known for?
A) Battle of Saratoga B) Battle of Gettysburg C) Battle of Bunker Hill D) Battle of Tippecanoe
- 9. What was William Henry Harrison's occupation before entering politics?
A) Military officer B) Farmer C) Teacher D) Lawyer
- 10. Which state was William Henry Harrison born in?
A) Ohio B) Kentucky C) Virginia D) Pennsylvania
- 11. Which Native American leader fought against William Henry Harrison at the Battle of Tippecanoe?
A) Tecumseh B) Crazy Horse C) Geronimo D) Sitting Bull
- 12. Who was William Henry Harrison's opponent in the presidential election of 1840?
A) John Quincy Adams B) James Buchanan C) Martin Van Buren D) James K. Polk
- 13. What was the primary cause of William Henry Harrison's death?
A) Tuberculosis B) Pneumonia C) Influenza D) Heart attack
- 14. Which contemporary president was William Henry Harrison related to by marriage?
A) Grover Cleveland B) Benjamin Harrison C) Millard Fillmore D) Andrew Johnson
- 15. Who served as Secretary of State during William Henry Harrison's presidency?
A) Martin Van Buren B) Daniel Webster C) John C. Calhoun D) Henry Clay
- 16. How many children did William Henry Harrison have?
A) 10 B) 7 C) 5 D) 3
- 17. What was the campaign slogan used to support William Henry Harrison in the election of 1840?
A) Hope and Change B) Make America Great Again C) Tippecanoe and Tyler too D) Yes We Can
- 18. In which branch of the military did William Henry Harrison serve?
A) Army B) Marines C) Navy D) Air Force
- 19. What was William Henry Harrison's age at the time of his presidential inauguration?
A) 64 B) 72 C) 68 D) 58
- 20. Which political party did William Henry Harrison belong to during his presidency?
A) Democratic B) Democratic-Republican C) Federalist D) Whig
- 21. In which state did William Henry Harrison serve as a U.S. Senator?
A) Kentucky B) Indiana C) Ohio D) Virginia
- 22. During his presidency, William Henry Harrison tended to the affairs of state from which building in Washington, D.C.?
A) The Capitol Building B) The Supreme Court C) The Pentagon D) The White House