Gas Giant Planets
  • 1. Which of these is NOT a gas giant planet?
A) Jupiter
B) Neptune
C) Earth
D) Saturn
  • 2. Planets referred to as Gas Giants have ____.
A) large, solid cores
B) small, solid cores
C) large gassy cores
D) small gassy cores
  • 3. Gas Giant planets have _____.
A) more sunlight
B) oxygen and water
C) small plant life
D) satellites and ring systems
  • 4. Which is the largest gas giant?
A) Uranus
B) Jupiter
C) Saturn
D) Neptune
  • 5. It takes 4330 Earth days for Jupiter to make a revolution; this is its _____.
A) its trip around the sun
B) difference between nigh and day
C) opportunity to move closer to the sun
D) its rotation to make a day
  • 6. Jupiter has a 'Great Red Spot' from _____.
A) sun burn
B) the sun's reflection
C) too much iron
D) a storm
  • 7. Jupiter has one ring and ____ moons.
A) 2
B) no
C) 62
D) 6
  • 8. What do scientists believe the rock and ice pieces in the Gas Giants' rings are from?
A) revolving so far from the sun
B) shattered comets, asteroids, or moons
C) ice storms
D) volcanoes spewing lava
  • 9. Earth has one moon, but Saturn has ____ .
A) one moon, too
B) thousands of moons
C) twice as many moons
D) at least 48 moons
  • 10. What does it take 29 Earth years for Saturn to do?
A) rotate a day and night
B) see sunlight
C) complete a water cycle
D) orbit the sun
  • 11. What is our seventh planet from the Sun?
A) Saturn
B) Uranus
C) Jupiter
D) Mars
  • 12. Uranus is made of gas that gives it a blue color, and it has no ____.
A) helium
B) seasons
C) solid surface
D) hydrogen
  • 13. Which planet is tipped on its side?
A) Venus
B) Neptune
C) Saturn
D) Uranus
  • 14. What planet is considered our windiest and the fourth largest in the solar system?
A) Uranus
B) Neptune
C) Mercury
D) Saturn
  • 15. Neptune had a 'Great Dark Spot' from a ______.
A) storm
B) flood
C) comet
D) meteorite
  • 16. What planet has a moon that orbits backwards?
A) Uranus
B) Neptune
C) Venus
D) Saturn
  • 17. By studying the Gas Giant planets, scientists can study how the ______.
A) seasons develop
B) planets were formed
C) night and day occur
D) water cycle began
  • 18. By studying the Gas Giant planets' moons, scientists can determine Earth's ______ before life began.
A) atmosphere
B) storms
C) seasons
D) volcanoes
  • 19. Which gas gives Uranus its bluish color?
A) methane
B) helium
C) hydrogen
D) propane
  • 20. Most moons have craters, Triton also has ____.
A) rings and moons
B) water falls
C) nitrogen geysers
D) small plants
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