The Acts of the Apostles: A Historical Account or Narrative?
  • 1. The Acts of the Apostles, often referred to simply as Acts, is a fascinating book found in the New Testament of the Christian Bible that provides an account of the early Christian church following the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Written by the Evangelist Luke, who also authored the Gospel of Luke, Acts serves as a historical narrative that chronicles the spread of Christianity from Jerusalem to the far reaches of the Roman Empire. It highlights significant events, such as the Day of Pentecost, where the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles, empowering them to spread the Gospel with boldness and miraculous signs. Through vivid storytelling, Acts details the missionary journeys of key figures like the Apostle Paul, showcasing the challenges, persecutions, and triumphs faced by early Christians. The book is not merely a record of events; it also delves into theological reflections on the nature of the Church, community life among believers, and the fulfillment of God's promises throughout history. Acts invites readers to consider the dynamic interplay between divine guidance and human agency, illustrating how faith, courage, and commitment played pivotal roles in shaping the nascent Christian movement. As such, it stands not only as an important historical document but also as an inspirational narrative that continues to resonate with and inform Christian faith and practice today.

    What event marks the beginning of the Acts of the Apostles?
A) The Last Supper
B) The Ascension of Jesus
C) Pentecost
D) The Resurrection
  • 2. Who were the first two apostles to perform a miracle after Pentecost?
A) Peter and John
B) Peter and Matthew
C) Paul and Barnabas
D) James and John
  • 3. Who was the first Christian martyr mentioned in Acts?
A) James
B) Philip
C) Paul
D) Stephen
  • 4. What does the name 'Paul' mean?
A) Faithful
B) Small
C) Strong
D) Wise
  • 5. What city is significant for the first Gentile conversion?
A) Caesarea
B) Jerusalem
C) Ephesus
D) Antioch
  • 6. Who converted the Ethiopian eunuch?
A) Philip
B) James
C) Paul
D) Peter
  • 7. How did Paul and Silas escape from prison?
A) They fell asleep and woke up free
B) An earthquake opened the prison doors
C) They bribed the guard
D) They used a secret passage
  • 8. In which city was Paul stoned and left for dead?
A) Iconium
B) Lystra
C) Philippi
D) Derbe
  • 9. What nickname was given to Barnabas?
A) Son of Encouragement
B) Son of Thunder
C) Son of Love
D) Son of Hope
  • 10. In Acts, who is known as the first Apostle to the Gentiles?
A) Barnabas
B) Peter
C) Paul
D) Stephen
  • 11. What does Paul emphasize in his speeches in Acts?
A) The law of Moses
B) The traditions of Judaism
C) The kingdom of Israel
D) The resurrection of Jesus
  • 12. Which Roman official did Paul appear before in Acts?
A) Felix
B) Nero
C) Herod
D) Pontius Pilate
  • 13. What shipwrecked island did Paul visit during his journey?
A) Rhodes
B) Crete
C) Cyprus
D) Malta
  • 14. What was the primary message of the Acts of the Apostles?
A) The end of the world
B) The life of Jesus
C) The fall of Jerusalem
D) The spread of the gospel
  • 15. What is the significance of the phrase 'to the ends of the earth' in Acts?
A) It means reaching the Jewish diaspora
B) It refers to the physical journey of Paul
C) It is a prophetic statement
D) It indicates the global mission of the church
  • 16. How does the Acts of the Apostles conclude?
A) With the Council of Jerusalem
B) With the destruction of Jerusalem
C) With Paul in Rome preaching
D) With the Ascension of Jesus
  • 17. What role did women play in the early church as described in Acts?
A) They only served in domestic roles
B) They were primarily evangelists
C) They were excluded from leadership roles
D) They were active participants and leaders
  • 18. Which apostle was known for his ability to perform miracles?
A) Peter
B) Stephen
C) Thomas
D) John
  • 19. What was the significance of the healing of the lame man?
A) It demonstrated the power of faith in Jesus' name
B) It established Peter as a leader
C) It led to Peter's imprisonment
D) It caused a riot in Jerusalem
  • 20. What does Acts reveal about the early Christian community?
A) They practiced communal living and sharing
B) They were isolated from society
C) They focused solely on evangelism
D) They were disorganized and chaotic
  • 21. Who is traditionally believed to be the author of the Acts of the Apostles?
A) John
B) Mark
C) Luke
D) Matthew
  • 22. In which city did the Pentecost occur, as described in Acts?
A) Jerusalem
B) Antioch
C) Ephesus
D) Rome
  • 23. Where was Saul converted to Christianity?
A) In the desert
B) In Jerusalem
C) On the road to Damascus
D) At the Temple
  • 24. Which disciple replaced Judas Iscariot?
A) Silas
B) Timothy
C) Matthias
D) Barnabas
  • 25. What event is often seen as the birth of the Church?
A) The crucifixion
B) Jesus' ascension
C) The Last Supper
D) Pentecost
  • 26. What city is known for the riot against Paul for preaching?
A) Ephesus
B) Corinth
C) Philippi
D) Athens
  • 27. Which apostle was a tax collector before following Jesus?
A) James
B) Philip
C) Matthew
D) Simon
  • 28. Who was Cornelius?
A) A Jewish priest
B) An apostle
C) A Roman soldier
D) A Gentile convert
  • 29. In which chapter does the conversion of Saul occur?
A) Chapter 9
B) Chapter 5
C) Chapter 7
D) Chapter 12
  • 30. What role did Stephen play in the Acts narrative?
A) He wrote a gospel
B) He was an elder in Jerusalem
C) He was a disciple of John
D) He was the first Christian martyr
  • 31. Which city is most associated with the Apostle Paul in Acts?
A) Rome
B) Athens
C) Jerusalem
D) Antioch
  • 32. What miraculous event did Peter perform in Acts?
A) Turning water to wine
B) Walking on water
C) Healing a lame man
D) Raising a dead girl
  • 33. Which character is known for his generosity and selling land in Acts?
A) Barnabas
B) Philip
C) Silas
D) Timothy
  • 34. Which city did Paul visit that was known for its intellectuals and philosophers?
A) Thessalonica
B) Ephesus
C) Corinth
D) Athens
  • 35. What happened to Paul after being shipwrecked?
A) He was captured
B) He drowned
C) He found treasure
D) He was bitten by a snake but unharmed
  • 36. Who is known as the first convert in Europe mentioned in Acts?
A) Dorcas
B) Lydia
C) Mary
D) Priscilla
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