- 1. Vikings were seafaring Norse people from the late eighth to early 11th century who engaged in trade, exploration, and raids. They originated from modern-day Scandinavia and expanded their influence across Europe and beyond. Known for their skilled shipbuilding and navigation, the Vikings established settlements in areas such as Iceland, Greenland, and even reached North America. Their culture, including art, mythology, and social structure, has left a lasting impact on history. Viking history is a fascinating and complex study that continues to intrigue scholars and enthusiasts alike.
Who were known as fierce warriors and traders from Scandinavia?
A) Romans B) Greeks C) Vikings D) Huns
- 2. What kind of ships did the Vikings use for their long-distance travel and raids?
A) Frigates B) Galleons C) Schooners D) Longships
- 3. What was the capital of the Viking Kingdom of Denmark?
A) Hedeby B) Jelling C) Uppsala D) Ribe
- 4. Who was the first ruler to unify Norway under one kingdom?
A) Harald Fairhair B) Olaf Tryggvason C) Sweyn Forkbeard D) St. Olaf
- 5. What type of headgear did Vikings wear in battle?
A) Crowns B) Wigs C) Helmets D) Hats
- 6. Who led the Norman Conquest of England in 1066, claiming the English throne?
A) William the Conqueror B) Edward the Confessor C) Harold Godwinson D) Cnut the Great
- 7. What is the name of the legendary Viking hero who slayed the dragon Fafnir?
A) Ragnar Lothbrok B) Beowulf C) Sigurd D) Siegfried
- 8. Who was the king of the Danes in the epic poem 'Beowulf'?
A) Heorot B) Unferth C) Grendel D) Hrothgar
- 9. What was the Viking name for North America?
A) Helheim B) Vinland C) Muspelheim D) Markland
- 10. Who was the first Christian king of Norway?
A) Olaf Tryggvason B) Rollo C) Erik Bloodaxe D) Sweyn Forkbeard
- 11. Which event marked the traditional end of the Viking Age?
A) Battle of Clontarf B) Battle of Stamford Bridge C) Battle of Hastings D) Battle of Maldon
- 12. Where did the Vikings originate from?
A) France B) Scandinavia C) England D) Ireland
- 13. What was the main method of learning about Viking history?
A) Archaeology B) Museums C) Artifacts D) Sagas
- 14. What was the Viking era of expansion and exploration called?
A) Age of Sail B) Golden Age C) Viking Age D) Dark Ages
- 15. What is the name of the Viking parliament or assembly?
A) Thing B) Folkmoot C) Thingvellir D) Althing
- 16. Which Viking discovered Iceland in the 9th century?
A) Thorfinn Karlsefni B) Leif Erikson C) Erik the Red D) Naddodd
- 17. What is the name of the Viking god of thunder and lightning?
A) Odin B) Loki C) Freyr D) Thor
- 18. What type of government did the Vikings have?
A) Republic B) Decentralized C) Dictatorship D) Monarchy
- 19. What was the name of the Viking realm of the dead ruled by the goddess Hel?
A) Folkvangr B) Asgard C) Helheim D) Valhalla
- 20. Which Viking explorer is believed to have reached North America around the year 1000?
A) Leif Erikson B) Bjorn Ironside C) Erik the Red D) Rollo
- 21. What did the Vikings believe awaited them in Valhalla?
A) Wisdom B) Endless sleep C) Punishment D) Eternal feasting and fighting
- 22. Which city was established by Vikings in the 9th century and later became the capital of Ireland?
A) Belfast B) Galway C) Cork D) Dublin
- 23. What was the main economic activity of Viking society?
A) Trading B) Craftsmanship C) Farming D) Piracy
- 24. What was the Viking runic alphabet called?
A) Norse Runes B) Elder Futhark C) Younger Futhark D) Futhark
- 25. Where did the Normans, descendants of Vikings, establish a powerful feudal state?
A) Anglia B) Normandy C) Scotland D) Wessex
- 26. Which English king is known for his victory over the Viking king Harald Hardrada at the Battle of Stamford Bridge?
A) William the Conqueror B) Harold Godwinson C) Alfred the Great D) Edward the Confessor
- 27. What is the term for a Viking burial ritual where a ship is cremated along with the deceased?
A) Sky burial B) Land burial C) Sea burial D) Ship burial
- 28. Where is the famous Viking ship museum located?
A) Helsinki, Finland B) Oslo, Norway C) Stockholm, Sweden D) Copenhagen, Denmark
- 29. What is the name of the Viking apocalypse, also known as the 'twilight of the gods'?
A) Midgard B) Valhalla C) Asgard D) Ragnarok
- 30. Which metal was highly valued by the Vikings and used for trade and craftsmanship?
A) Copper B) Gold C) Iron D) Silver
- 31. What was the social structure of Viking society based on?
A) Bloodline B) Intellect C) Physical strength D) Classes
- 32. Which region did the Vikings call 'Vinland' when they settled there in North America?
A) Newfoundland B) Virginia C) Massachusetts D) New Brunswick
- 33. What was the name of the Viking language?
A) Gothic B) Latin C) Celtic D) Old Norse
- 34. Who were the skilled Viking poets and storytellers?
A) Soothsayers B) Skalds C) Minstrels D) Shamans
- 35. Where did the Viking warriors believe they would go if they died in battle?
A) Helheim B) Jotunheim C) Valhalla D) Asgard