• 1. In this process, mediator was selected by the disputing parties, facilitates communication and negotiation, and assist the parties in reaching a voluntary agreement regarding a dispute.
A) LItigation
B) Negotiation
C) Arbitration
D) Mediation
  • 2. It refers to which the person attempts to satisfy his own concerns is being assertive while the person attempts to satisfy the other's concerns refers to being cooperative.
A) false
B) true
C) maybe
D) nevermind
  • 3. It might take the form of diplomatically sidestepping an issue, postponing an issue until a better time, or simply withdrawing from a threatening situation.
A) competing
B) defeating
C) compromising
D) avoiding
  • 4. The main advantage of this form of dispute settlement is that it allows the parties themselves to control the process and the solution.
A) LItigation
B) Arbitration
C) Negotiation
D) Mediation
  • 5. It refers to which the person attempts to satisfy his own concerns is being cooperative while the person attempts to satisfy the other person's concerns refers to being assertive.
A) Yes
B) Maybe
C) False
D) True
  • 6. This theory states that tensions and conflict arise when resources, status, and power unevenly distributed between groups in society and that these conflicts become the engine for social change.
A) Karl Marx Theory
B) Conflict theory
D) conflict strategy
  • 7. What process refer to which parties seek to reach an amicable dispute settlement with the assistance of the conciliator, who acts as a neutral third party.
A) Conciliation
B) Mediation
C) Arbitration
D) Litigation
  • 8. Through this dispute resolution strategy, outcome is whatever the parties agree to.
A) Negotiation
B) Arbitration
C) Negotiation
D) Conciliation
  • 9. It means any partial or final decision by an arbitrator in resolving the issue or controversy.
A) Decision
B) Conclusion
C) Award
D) Final decision
  • 10. It exist when they have incompatible goals and one or more believe that the behavior of the other prevents them from their own goal achievement.
A) Battle
B) War
C) Dispute
D) Conflict
  • 11. Who among the following have the right to choose the mediator.
A) Expert
B) Mediation party
C) Mediator
D) Office of the ADR
  • 12. It refers to which the person attempts to satisfy his own concerns is being assertive while the person attempts to satisfy the other's concerns refers to being.
A) Avoiding
B) Collaborating
C) Cooperative
D) Assertive
  • 13. In arbitration process, resolving a dispute is by rendering an award of arbitrator.
A) False
B) True
C) Possible
D) It depends
  • 14. It refers to a long-term with deeply rooted issues that are seen as "non-negotiable."
A) Dispute
B) Conflict
C) War
D) Battle
  • 15. The act shall be known as the "The Arbitration Law."
A) RA11131
B) RA 9285
C) RA 6975
D) RA 876
  • 16. Negotiation is a procedure.
A) Prospective binding
B) Retrospective Procedure
C) Binding procedure
D) Non-binding procedure
  • 17. Do parties have the right to select a mediator?
A) Yes. The parties have the freedom to select a mediator
B) Yes. The parties have the freedom to select a conciliator
C) Yes. The parties have the freedom to select a arbitrator.
D) Yes. The parties have no freedom to select a mediator
  • 18. It is the last option to be considered in a hostage taking situation.
A) Give in to demands
B) Denial to demand
C) Negotiation
D) Assault
  • 19. A person who conducts mediation.
A) Mediator
B) Chairman
C) Secretary
D) Arbitrator
  • 20. Strategy used by people who go into a conflict planning to win.
A) Competing
B) Avoiding
D) Compromising
  • 21. A privilege arising from the confidentiality of information maybe waived in a record, or orally during a proceeding by the mediator and mediation and mediation parties.
A) Waiver of confidentiality
B) Confidentiality of information
C) Waiver program
D) Waiver
  • 22. This conflict are caused by competition over perceived or actual incompatible needs. Such conflicts may occur over issues of money resources, or time.
A) Belief
B) Relationship
C) Information
D) Values
  • 23. Who are responsible during strikes, lockouts and labor disputes in general shall be limited to the maintenance of peace and order, enforcement of laws, and implementation of legal orders of the duly constituted authorities.
A) President soldier
B) PNP personnel
C) Senator
D) VIP security
  • 24. How many arbitrators are normally appointed by the parties in an arbitrator?
A) Parties are free to determine the number of arbitrators provided that such number shall not be even number.
B) None of the above
C) Only sole arbitrator should be appointed
D) Parties are free to determine the number of arbitrators provided that such number shall not be odd number
  • 25. The mediator is-
A) Judge
B) Advisor
C) facilitator
D) Expert
  • 26. Which country first formally practice the dispute resolution?
A) Wuhan, China
B) USA, Minnesota
C) Vienna, Austria
D) England, London
  • 27. This conflict are caused by competition over perceived or actual incompatible needs. Such conflicts may occur over issues of money resources, or time.
A) belief
B) Information
C) Relationship
D) values
  • 28. Dispute resolution is to restore the conflict of third party.
A) True
B) No
C) False
D) Yes
  • 29. It is the last option to be considered in a hostage taking situation.
A) negotiation
B) Denial the demand
C) Give in to demands
D) Asault
  • 30. An arbitral award
A) has to be written and signed by the members of the arbitral tribunal
B) maybe in writing but no signature required.
C) has to be in writing but need not be signed
D) maybe oral
  • 31. He is the one where conflict theory originated.
A) Karl Augustus
B) Karl Malone
C) Karl Maxr
D) Karl Marx
  • 32. The Purpose of restorative justice is to punish the offender.
A) The statement is false
B) Maybe it is true
  • 33. Aleng Alicia, a company chief executive having a dispute against his co-worker Quibuloy. What kind of settlement they should do if they want to settle the casein legal action in court.
A) Arbitration
B) Litigation
C) COnciliation
D) Mediation
  • 34. This conflict occurs when there are misperception, strong negative emotion, or poor communication. One person may distrust the other and believe that the other person's actions are motivated by malice or an intent to harm the other.
A) Belief
B) Relationship
C) Information
D) Values
  • 35. In case of three arbitrator, the "third arbitrator" shall act as:
A) Sole arbitrator
B) Umpire
C) Presiding arbitrator
D) Assistant arbitrator
  • 36. It will enhance a clients interpersonal relationships and it will help him/her become aware of his/her shortcomings/weaknesses. This will also help him/her overcome painful experiences that drove him/her to commit a crime or offense.
A) Community work service
B) Rehabilitation
C) Restitution
D) Counseling
  • 37. A person who appointed to render an award, or with others, in dispute that is the subject of an arbitration agreement.
A) mediator
B) Arbitrator
C) Secretary
D) Chairman
  • 38. A voluntary process in which a mediator, selected by the disputing parties, facilities communication and negotiation, and assists the parties in reaching a voluntary agreement regarding dispute.
A) Mediation
B) Award
D) Arbitration
  • 39. A conciliator is appointed-
A) By the civil court
B) By the chief of police
C) None of the above
D) By the parties to the dispute
  • 40. Strategy where the individual neglects his own concerns to satisfy the concern of the other person.
A) Collaborating
B) Competing
C) Accomodating
D) Avoiding
  • 41. This means any partial of final decision by an arbitrator in resolving the issue in a controversy.
A) Alternative desperate resolution
B) Alternative dispute resolution
C) Alternative despite resolution
D) Additional dispute resoltuion
  • 42. It means to arrange by conferring or discussing.
A) Extricate
B) negotiate
C) Vindicate
D) Validate
  • 43. A process upon which the offender accepts accountability for the financial and/or non-financial losses he/she may have caused to the victim.
A) Restitution
B) Rehabilitation
C) Counseling
D) Community service
  • 44. Shall mean a voluntary dispute resolution process in which one or more arbitrators, appointed in accordance with the agreement of the parties, or rules and promulgated pursuant to this act resolve a dispute by rendering an award.
A) Mediation
B) Award
C) Arbitration
  • 45. Is defined as a clash between individuals arising out of a difference in thought process, attitudes, understanding, interest, requirements and even sometimes perceptions.
A) War
B) Dispute resolution
C) Conflict
D) Resolution
  • 46. A short term disagreement that can result in the disputants reaching some sort of resolution; it involves issues that are negotiable.
A) Settlement
B) Disputant
C) Conflict
D) Dispute
  • 47. An instrument designed to measure a person's behavior in conflict solutions.
A) Thomas-Kilmann Instrument
B) Thomes-Kilmann Instrument
C) Thomas-Kilman Instrument
D) Thomas-Kilmann Instrument
  • 48. Means of any partial of final decision by an arbitrator in resolving the issues in a controversy.
A) Arbitration
B) mediation
C) Award
  • 49. Which is the correct Methods of ADR?
A) Arbitration, negotiation, Conciliation And Mediation.
B) Legislation, mediation and negotiation
C) legislation, arbitration and negotiation.
D) Legislation and mediation
  • 50. Which of the following matters are not referred to arbitration?
A) Property matters
B) Banking matters
C) Civil matters
D) Matrimonial matters
  • 51. What do you call the venue where ADR cases are being heard?
A) offices
B) good office
C) court
D) center
  • 52. Conflict resolution is to restore the conflict of third party.
A) Yes
B) No
C) True
D) False
  • 53. Which are the correct advantages of negotiation?
A) Might not come to a decision and its quick
B) Cheap process and might not come to a decision
C) cheap process and might not come to a decision
D) Its quick, cheap process and privacy
  • 54. After the arbitral award is made, each party shall be delivered.
A) The original award
B) A signed copy of award
C) An unsigned copy of award
D) A photocopy of award
  • 55. The person appointed to render an award, alone or with others, in a dispute that is the subject of an arbitration agreement.
A) Mediation
B) Mediator
C) Arbitrator
D) Arbitration
  • 56. It refers to a system of justice administered at the barangay level for the purpose of amicable settling disputes through mediation, conciliation or arbitration among the family or barangay without resorting to the courts.
A) Barangay system
B) B or c
C) Katarungang Barangay
D) Criminal Justice System
  • 57. It is much less formal than the other types of ADRs and allows for a lot of flexibility.
A) Mediation
B) Negotiation
C) Arbitration
D) conciliation
  • 58. It means any process or procedure used to resolve a dispute or controversy, other than that by adjudication of a presiding judge of a court or an officer of a government agency under the law, in which a neutral third party participates to assist on the resolution of issues, which includes arbitration, mediation, mini trial or any combination thereof.
A) Arbitration
B) Mediation
C) Alternative Dispute Resolution
D) Award
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