Quiz on 11a Static and Current Electricity
  • 1. Which of the following is defined as a force that pushes and pulls the current through the circuit?
A) current
B) voltage
C) electricity
D) resistance
  • 2. Which of the following is defined as the actual "substance" that is flowing through the wires of the circuit (electrons)?
A) electricity
B) voltage
C) current
D) resistance
  • 3. Which of the following is defined as friction that impedes or slows the flow of current through the circuit?
A) voltage
B) resistance
C) electricity
D) current
  • 4. What happens in a series circuit when more bulbs are added? (Example: I start out with a complete series circuit with 2 bulbs. Then I add in several more wires and several more bulbs & bulb holders. Now I have a complete series circuit with 5 bulbs).
A) all the bulbs get brighter
B) all the bulbs go out
C) all the bulbs get dimmer
D) nothing happens
  • 5. What happens in a parallel circuit when more bulbs are added? (Example: I start out with a complete parallel circuit with 2 bulbs. Then I add in several more wires and several more bulbs & bulb holders. Now I have a complete parallel circuit with 5 bulbs).
A) nothing happens
B) all the bulbs go out
C) all the bulbs get dimmer
D) all the bulbs get brighter
  • 6. In a series circuit, if you unscrew one of the bulbs from the bulb holder, what happens to all the other bulbs?
A) nothing happens
B) all the other bulbs get brighter
C) all the other bulbs get dimmer
D) all the other bulbs go out
  • 7. In a parallel circuit, if you unscrew one of the bulbs from the bulb holder, what happens to all the other bulbs?
A) all the other bulbs get brighter
B) all the other bulbs go out
C) nothing happens
D) all the other bulbs get dimmer
  • 8. What type of circuit would be best for wiring your house?
A) parallel circuit
B) series circuit
  • 9. Which of the following is not an example of static electricity?
A) lightning
B) turning on the lights in your house
C) a shock from sliding down a slide
D) a balloon sticking to the wall
  • 10. There are two kinds of electricity called current and -
A) static
B) electrical
C) conduction
D) electrons
  • 11. Charges that are alike will -
A) attract
B) conduct
C) current
D) repel
  • 12. Why does the balloon stick to the wall after being charged by friction?
A) the charges on the wall and balloon are opposite
B) the charges on the wall and balloon are the same
C) the charges on the wall and balloon are equal
D) there are more charges on the wall than there are on the balloon
  • 13. In order to turn the light on, the switch must be -
A) closed
B) open
  • 14. Which of the following is an example of an insulator?
A) your body
B) wood
C) water
D) copper
  • 15. Materials that allow electrons to move freely through them are called -
A) conductors
B) wooden bars
C) insulators
D) air pockets
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