Stream of consciousness
  • 1. Syntax and grammar, association, punctuation repetition, and plot structure are?
A) it has nothing to do with the lesson
B) Coined by Virginia Woolf
C) Parts of writing style
D) What makes streams of consciousness different
  • 2. True or False this statement is an example of a Stream of Consciousness” CLANG! The Christmasaurus woke with a start. The room outside and the sleigh no longer sounded snoozy and quiet ?
A) false
B) True
C) Maybe true
D) Maybe false
  • 3. All are pioneered and used the literary term “stream of consciousness” as their technique EXCEPT:
A) William James
B) James Joyce
C) Dorothy Richardson
D) Virginia Woolf
  • 4. True or False this statement is an example of Stream of Consciousness “Maybe I'll just close my eyes for a few seconds...”?
A) Maybe true
B) False
C) Maybe false
D) True
  • 5. True or False this statement is an example of Stream of Consciousness “Ahh, I'm feeling really cozy now, sat in Santa's sack, cuddling my best friend”?
A) False
B) true
C) Maybe true
D) Maybe false
  • 6. The term ; Stream-Of-Consciousness; was first used by ________in The Principles of Psychology in 1893.
A) Mrs. Dalloway
B) Virgina Woolf
C) James William
D) Toni Morrison
  • 7. Psychologists said “consciousness as an uninterrupted 'flow': 'a 'river' or a 'stream' are the metaphors by which it is most naturally described.
A) Toni Morrison
B) Virgina Woolf
C) William James
D) Mrs. Dalloway
  • 8. What is the goal of stream-of-consciousness narration?
A) To create suspense
B) To bring the reader close to a character's mind and thoughts
C) To explain a complex philosophical idea
D) To create humor
  • 9. _____ “I grow old...I grow old... I shall wear the buttons of my trousers rolled “- it is generally in the poem entitled?
B) song of love
C) Love
  • 10. What is the stream of consciousness?
A) A narrative device that mimics the chaos of natural thoughts pattern that often lacks obvious connections.
B) A form of writing with clear rhythm, pattern, and rhyme scheme.
C) None of the above
D) linear flow of thoughts with obvious associations between one idea and the next.
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