Englo5 sitjarkaren1@gmail.com
  • 1. The story of everyman is an example of _____
A) A romantic tragedy
B) A historical drama
C) Morality play
  • 2. God orders _____ to summon Everyman so that he can be judged by his "reckoning."
A) c) Death
B) b) Knowledge
C) d) Fellowship
D) a) Good-Deeds
  • 3. When Death approaches Everyman on earth, Everyman is:
A) d) Eager to leave his possessions behind
B) a) Excited to go to heaven
C) ) Unwilling and unprepared for his reckoning
  • 4. Everyman begs Death for more _____, but Death refuses.
A) d) Knowledge
B) c) Wealth
C) a) Companions
D) b) Time
  • 5. Everyman’s friend _____ promises undying loyalty, but refuses to accompany him on his journey.
A) c) Good-Deeds
B) d) Knowledge
C) b) Goods
D) ) Fellowship
  • 6. Everyman turns to his relatives and _____, but they also forsake him, afraid of death
A) b) Wealth
B) c) Knowledge
C) . a) Friends
D) d) Family
  • 7. Goods tells Everyman that because Everyman loved Goods so much instead of loving _____, he will be condemned to hell.
A) b) Himself
B) a) Family
C) c) God d)
D) Fellowship
  • 8. Good-Deeds is too weak to accompany Everyman due to his sin and neglect, but she says her sister, _____, can help him to cleanse himself.
A) d) Confession
B) Fellowship c)
C) b) Knowledge
D) Beauty
  • 9. The Green Knight bursts into King Arthur's court during the celebration of:

A) c) Christmas d
B) Easter
C) ) Midsummer
D) a) New Year’s Day
  • 10. The Green Knight proposes a game where he and a knight will:
A) Test their strength d)
B) Go on a quest together
C) ) Trade blows c)
D) Engage in a sword fight b
  • 11. When none of the knights volunteer, _____ steps up to take the challenge, but is stopped by Sir Gawain.
    a) King d
A) ) Guinevere
B) King author
C) d) Merlin
  • 12. Gawain beheads the Green Knight, who astonishes the court by picking up his _____ and riding away.
A) b) Sword
B) a) Armor
C) d) Head
D) c) Shield
  • 13. 14. On his journey, Gawain prays to _____ for guidance and soon finds a castle.
A) d) The lady
B) c) King Arthur
C) ) The Green Knight
D) God
  • 14. The lord hunts a _____ on the first day, and Gawain receives one kiss from the lady of the castle.
A) Fox
B) Boar
C) Deer
D) Hawk
  • 15. The _____ of the castle invites Gawain to play a game where they will exchange whatever they have won each day.
A) Lord
B) Jester
C) Cook
D) Knight
  • 16. 17. On the third day, the lady gives Gawain a green _____, which she claims will protect him from death.
A) Bracelet
B) Sash
C) Ring
D) Sword
  • 17. The Green Knight reveals that he is actually _____, the lord of the castle.
A) Merlin
B) The lord
C) King Arthur
D) Gawain
  • 18. The old woman at the castle, who orchestrated the beheading game, is revealed to be:
A) Morgan le Fay
B) Lady Bertilak d
C) A sorceress
D) Queen Guinevere c) )
  • 19. Everyman learns that all earthly things are but _____ as his other companions abandon him.
A) b) Shadows
B) ) Treasures
C) c) Illusions
D) d) Memories
  • 20. Who is the central character representing all humankind?



    c) d)
A) Death
B) God
C) Knowledge
D) Everyman
  • 21. What is the only companion that stays with Everyman to the very end?


A) Cousin
B) c) Good Deeds d)
C) ) Kindred
D) Confession
  • 22. What does Death demand of Everyman?
A) ) A pilgrimage d
B) b) His family c
C) a) His wealth
D) ) An accounting of his life
  • 23. Who guides Everyman on his spiritual journey?

A) a) Fellowship b)
B) d) Cousin
C) sc) Knowledge
  • 24. What literary genre is Sir Gawain and the Green Knight?
A) Ballad c
B) a) Epic Poem b)
C) Romance
D) ) Allegory d)
  • 25. Who challenges King Arthur's court at the beginning of the b) A
A) fearsome dragon
B) The Green Knight
C) A fearsome dragon
D) Morgan le Fay
  • 26. Which knight volunteers to accept the Green Knight's challenge?

A) Sir Lancelot
B) Sir Gawain
C) ) b) Sir Kay
D) d) Sir Galahad
  • 27. What is the nature of the Green Knight's challenge?

A) quest for a magical artifact c)
B) ) A jousting tournament b) A
C) riddle contest
D) A beheading game d) A
  • 28. What does the lady of the castle give Sir Gawain?
A) A poisoned apple c)
B) a) A magic potion b)
C) Three kisses and a green girdle d)
  • 29. Who provides Sir Gawain with shelter during his journey?

    a) A
A) ) A hermit b) c
B) A wealthy lord
C) The Green Knight himself
D) friendly giant d)
  • 30. What is the main premise of The Canterbury Tales?
A) . Knights preparing for a crusade
B) A. A pilgrimage to Rome B.
C) A group of travelers going on a pilgrimage to Canterbury C.
D) A royal court gathering stories D
  • 31. Who is the author of The Canterbury Tales?
A) Thomas Malory C.
B) A. William Shakespeare B.
C) Geoffrey Chaucer
D) D. John Milton
  • 32. In the "General Prologue," where do the pilgrims meet to start their journey?

A) The Bell Tavern B.
B) The Pilgrims' Inn D.
C) The Tabard Inn C.
D) The Lion’s Den
  • 33. What is the purpose of the storytelling contest in The Canterbury Tales?
A) To earn money C.
B) To gain political favor D.
C) A. To entertain the group during the journey B.
D) To compete for royal approval
  • 34. Which character in The Canterbury Tales is known for being scholarly and bookish?
A) . The Clerk
B) The Miller D
C) A. The Knight B.
D) The Wife of Bath C.
  • 35. The Wife of Bath is notable for her beliefs about what topic?

A) Chivalry and honor
B) . Wealth and poverty B.
C) Justice and revenge
D) D. Feminism and marriage
  • 36. In “The Knight’s Tale,” who are the two knights that fall in love with Emily?
A) Roland and Charlemagne
B) A. Arthur and Gawain B.
C) Tristan and Lancelot D.
D) Palamon and Arcite C.
  • 37. What is the moral lesson of “The Pardoner’s Tale”?

A) Wealth can bring happiness
B) . Patience is a virtue
C) Greed leads to destruction D
D) B. Revenge is dangerous C.
  • 38. Which character is known for selling fake religious relics?

A) The Miller
B) The Pardoner B.
C) The Knight C.
D) D. The Parson
  • 39. What type of story is “The Miller’s Tale”?

A) . Tragedy
B) . Fabliau
C) Epic
D) . Romance
  • 40. What was the Renaissance primarily known for?

A) Revival of classical knowledge and art
B) Expansion of feudalism
C) . Military advancements B.
D) C. Religious reforms D.
  • 41. Where did the Renaissance begin?
A) France
B) Germany
C) . England
D) Italy
  • 42. Who is often called the "Father of Humanism"?
A) A. Leonardo da Vinci B
B) . Dante Alighieri C.
C) Petrarch D.
D) Michelangelo
  • 43. Who painted the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper?


A) . Michelangelo
B) Raphael C.
C) . Donatello
D) Leonardo da Vinci
  • 44. Which invention by Johannes Gutenberg played a crucial role in spreading Renaissance ideas?

A) . The printing press .
B) The compass
C) The microscope
D) C. The telescope D
  • 45. Which Renaissance writer is known for his book The Prince, a guide on political power?

A) B. Dante Alighieri
B) Niccolò Machiavelli
C) D. Baldassare Castiglione
D) A. Francesco Petrarch
  • 46. Which of these fields saw major advancements during the Renaissance?


    C. .
A) Zoology, botany, and agriculture
B) Astronomy, anatomy, and art
C) Chemistry, geology, and biology D
D) Law, theology, and education
  • 47. Which English playwright became prominent during the later Renaissance?



A) Christopher Marlowe
B) William Shakespeare C
C) Geoffrey Chaucer
D) . John Milton
  • 48. The term "Renaissance" translates to what in English?


A) B. Awakening C.
B) Rebirth
C) Discovery
D) Enlightenment
  • 49. Which philosopher is famous for his statement, "I think, therefore I am"?



A) René Descartes
B) Thomas Hobbes
C) John Locke B.
D) . Voltaire
  • 50. Who is known as the "Father of Liberalism" for his ideas on government and individual rights?


A) . John Locke
B) Jean-Jacques Rousseau C.
C) D. David Hume
D) Immanuel Kant
  • 51. Which concept did Montesquieu contribute to political theory?


A) Economic laissez-faire
B) Natural selection
C) Social contract C.
D) . Separation of powers B.
  • 52. The Enlightenment idea that government should serve the will of the people influenced which historical event?

A) The Protestant Reformation
B) The French Revolution
C) The Renaissance D.
D) A. The Crusades
  • 53. Which of these works was written by Voltaire?




A) Leviathan
B) The Wealth of Nations
C) The Social Contract
D) Candide
  • 54. Which Enlightenment thinker is known for the idea of a "social contract" and believed that government should be based on the consent of the governed?

A) . John Locke B.
B) Thomas Hobbes C.
C) Jean-Jacques Rousseau
D) D. Immanuel Kant
  • 55. Adam Smith’s work, The Wealth of Nations, is best associated with which field?
A) A. Sociology
B) B. Political Science
C) D. Psychology
D) C. Economics
  • 56. What did Enlightenment thinkers believe was the best way to achieve knowledge?
A) . Rational thought and scientific observation
B) Myth and folklore
C) A. Revelation and divine inspiration B.
D) Tradition and superstition C D.
  • 57. Which of the following Enlightenment thinkers emphasized religious tolerance and freedom of speech
A) D. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
B) B. Thomas Paine
C) C. Voltaire
D) ? A. John Locke
  • 58. What event marks the beginning of the Restoration Period in England?
A) The signing of the Magna Carta
B) The Glorious Revolution C. .
C) The return of Charles II to the throne D
D) A. The English Civil War B.
  • 59. Which king’s reign is most associated with the Restoration Period?
A) II D. William III
B) B. Charles II
C) A. James I
D) C. Charles
  • 60. What genre of drama became popular during the Restoration Period?
A) A. Romantic tragedy
B) D. Historical epics
C) C. Comedy of manners
D) B. Morality plays
  • 61. Which of the following authors is best known for his Restoration comedies, such as The Country Wife?
A) A. William Congreve
B) C. William Wycherley
C) D. Richard Steele
D) B. John Dryden
  • 62. John Dryden was known for popularizing which form of literature during the Restoration?
A) B. Heroic couplets
B) C. Prose fiction
C) A. Blank verse
D) D. Sonnets
  • 63. What was the general attitude toward religion in Restoration literature?
A) D. Mystical and allegorical
B) B. Satirical and skeptical
C) C. Inspirational and hopeful
D) A. Serious and devout
  • 64. Which play by William Congreve is a famous example of the "comedy of manners
A) D. The School for Scandal
B) B. The Rivals
C) "? A. The Way of the World
D) C. She Stoops to Conquer
  • 65. What is John Bunyan's The Pilgrim’s Progress best known for?
A) D. Mocking upper-class society
B) A. Criticizing the monarchy
C) B. Being a religious allegory
D) C. Introducing heroic couplets
  • 66. 5The Royal Society, founded during the Restoration, focused on which field?
A) Scientific research and exploration D.
B) A. Literature and poetry B
C) . Religious studies C.
  • 67. Which of the following characteristics best describes Restoration literature?
A) B. Wit, satire, and social commentary
B) C. Pastoral themes and nature worship subjectivity
C) D. Focus on individual emotion and
D) A. Religious zeal and mysticism
  • 68. What was a primary focus of the Romantic Movement?
A) B. Individual emotion, nature, and imagination C
B) D. Political theory and governance
C) . Religious devotion and spirituality
D) A. Rational thought and scientific progress
  • 69. Which country is considered the birthplace of the Romantic Movement?

A) A. France
B) Italy
C) C. Germany
D) B. England
  • 70. Which poet wrote The Lyrical Ballads, often considered the beginning of the English Romantic Movement?
A) D. Percy Bysshe Shelley C
B) William Wordsworth
C) A. John Keats B.
D) . William Blake
  • 71. Which theme is NOT commonly associated with Romantic literature?
A) D. Strict adherence to reason and logic
B) A. Celebration of nature
C) C. Interest in supernatural elements
D) B. Emphasis on individualism
  • 72. Who wrote the novel Frankenstein, a work that combined Romantic and Gothic elements?

A) D. Ann Radcliffe
B) C. Charlotte Brontë
C) Mary Shelley
D) Jane Austen B.
  • 73. Which Romantic poet is known for the line "Beauty is truth, truth beauty

    Answer: C
A) . Samuel Taylor Coleridge
B) "? A. Lord Byron
C) C. John Keats
D) B. William Wordsworth
  • 74. What is the main subject of William Blake's poem The Tyger?
A) C. The simplicity of pastoral life
B) A. The power and mystery of creation
C) B. The joys of rural life
D) D. The tragedy of war
  • 75. Which of these poets is known for his fascination with the exotic, mysterious, and supernatural
A) ? A. Percy Bysshe Shelley
B) . Samuel Taylor Coleridge
C) B C. William Blake
D) D
  • 76. What form of literature did Romantic writers use to express their emotions and imagination?
A) C. Poetry
B) D. Drama
C) A. Novels
D) B. Essays
  • 77. Which of these works was written by Lord Byron and reflects Romantic ideals of heroism and individualism?
A) A. Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage
B) C. Prometheus Unbound
C) D. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
D) B. The Prelude
  • 78. What is John Keats known for in English literature?
A) His contributions to Romantic poetry
B) D. Being a prominent novelist of his time
C) A. Writing plays about the monarchy B.
D) C. Developing the form of the epic poem
  • 79. Which of the following is NOT a poem written by John Keats
A) B. To Autumn
B) D. Ode on a Grecian Urn
C) ? A. Ode to a Nightingale
D) C. Ozymandias
  • 80. What is the central theme in Ode on a Grecian Urn?
A) B. The nature of art and beauty C.
B) D. The power of nature
C) A. The inevitability of death
D) The pleasures of rural life
  • 81. Which phrase, associated with Keats, describes the acceptance of mystery and doubt without searching for clear answers?

A) A. Negative Capability
B) D. Aesthetic Detachment
C) . Romantic Melancholy
D) C. Sublime Reflection
  • 82. Which of the following lines is from Ode to a Nightingale?
A) C. "Thou wast not born for death, immortal Bird!"
B) A. "Beauty is truth, truth beauty"
C) D. "My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains"
D) B. "A thing of beauty is a joy forever"
  • 83. In Keats’s poem To Autumn, what is the season of autumn personified as
A) ? A. A child
B) A harvester
C) D. A philosopher
D) C. A wanderer
  • 84. Which of these themes is most commonly explored in Keats's poetry?
A) D. Religious devotion
B) A. Heroic conquests
C) C. Political revolution
D) B. Transience of life and beauty
  • 85. What is the famous opening line of Keats's poem Endymion?

A) B. "A thing of beauty is a joy forever"
B) . "My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains
C) C. "Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness" D
D) . "Beauty is truth, truth beauty
  • 86. Keats’s poetry is often marked by a tone of melancholy. Which of his poems particularly reflects this mood
A) B. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
B) ? A. Ode to a Nightingale
C) D. Don Juan
D) C. The Lady of Shalott
  • 87. How did Keats’s life influence his poetry?

A) His experience of illness and loss made him reflect
B) C. His role in politics led him to write poems on political issues.
C) . B. on mortality and beauty.
D) D. He was inspired by his travels around the world.
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