The Appointment of Elders
  • 1. What is the primary role of elders in a church?
A) Social media management
B) Financial management
C) Spiritual leadership
D) Event planning
  • 2. Which biblical book provides qualifications for elders?
A) Psalms
B) Proverbs
C) Revelation
D) Titus
  • 3. What attribute is emphasized for an elder's character?
A) Rich
B) Young
C) Outgoing
D) Above reproach
  • 4. According to 1 Peter 5:2, elders are to shepherd the flock how?
A) Only when convenient
B) In secret
C) Willingly
D) Reluctantly
  • 5. Where in the New Testament is the appointment of elders discussed?
A) Matthew
B) Philippians
C) Acts
D) Genesis
  • 6. Who typically appoints elders in a church?
A) The lead pastor only
B) The church congregation at large
C) Outside authority
D) Existing elders
  • 7. What is the Greek term for elder?
A) Diakonos
B) Martyr
C) Presbyteros
D) Episkopos
  • 8. Which of the following qualities is important for an elder?
A) Strong athlete
B) Socially active
C) Able to teach
D) Good with technology
  • 9. What is a primary focus of elders according to Hebrews 13:17?
A) Organize events
B) Manage budgets
C) Conduct outreach
D) Watch over souls
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