Horseback Riding in the Andean Foothills
  • 1. What is the name of the indigenous people native to the Andean Foothills region?
A) Aborigines
B) Maori
C) Quechua
D) Inuit
  • 2. Which of the following gears is essential for horseback riding?
A) Umbrella
B) Saddle
C) Telescope
D) Guitar
  • 3. What is the name of the high-altitude grassland typical in the Andean Foothills?
A) Savannah
B) Puna
C) Steppe
D) Tundra
  • 4. What is the natural gait of a horse with a slow, four-beat rhythm?
A) Walk
B) Canter
C) Gallop
D) Trot
  • 5. What is the term for the hindquarters of a horse?
A) Croup
B) Withers
C) Muzzle
D) Fetlock
  • 6. What is the act of a horse throwing its rider off its back called?
A) Skipping
B) Whinnying
C) Bucking
D) Prancing
  • 7. Which of the following is a basic horseback riding command to stop?
A) Whoa
B) Jump
C) Faster
D) Go
  • 8. What is the term for the line connecting a horse's mouth to the rider's hand?
A) Lasso
B) Reins
C) Rope
D) Bridle
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