  • 1. The new Passover meal that Jesus gave us is
A) the Eucharist
B) the Last Supper
C) the bread made from wheat
D) manna
  • 2. In the Liturgy of the Eucharist, the Church celebrates the great prayer of
A) lament
B) hope
C) blessing and thanksgiving
D) petition
  • 3. When we receive Holy Communion, we receive
A) special knowledge
B) a special blessing
C) Christ Himself
D) a symbol of Jesus
  • 4. The proclamation of God's very own Word in the Scriptures is the center of the Liturgy of the Word.
  • 5. The Eucharist is:
A) Just a symbol of Jesus
B) The source and summit of the Catholic Faith
C) Not the most important thing in the Catholic faith
  • 6. A bread-like substance produced on a shrub
A) manna
B) chrism
C) Eucharist
  • 7. The Sacrament of Christian Initiation in which we receive the Real Presence of Christ
A) Reconciliation
B) Confirmation
C) Baptism
D) Eucharist
  • 8. The Last Supper was:
A) The first time Jesus told His disciples that He was going to be put to death
B) A Passover meal that Jesus and His disciples shared
C) A simple meal shared by Jesus and His Apostles in which He was able to say goodbye
D) Not really the "last supper" because Jesus ate with His apostles after the Resurection
  • 9. The Liturgy of the Eucharist is the first part of the Mass
  • 10. Who was the Archbishop of San Salvador?
A) Oscar Romero
B) Jorge Bergoglio
C) Fulton Sheen
D) Karol Wojtyla
  • 11. In your own words explain why the Eucharist is so important to the Catholic faith?
  • 12. How did the Archbishop of San Salvador (that we read about this chapter) witness to living the Gospel (what did he do for the people)?
  • 13. What action should we do as we go to our seats at Mass, and why do we do this action? (remember Fr. Schmitz's video)
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