Family Words in Spanish
  • 1. padre
A) brother
B) potato
C) father
D) gramp
  • 2. hermana
A) brother
B) sister
C) sister-in-law
D) aunt
  • 3. suegro
A) great uncle
B) step-brother
C) step-dad
D) father-in-law
  • 4. cuñada
A) step-mom
B) sister-in-law
C) step-brother
D) god-mother
  • 5. esposo
A) mother
B) aunt
C) uncle
D) husband
  • 6. abuelo
A) uncle
B) grammy
C) aunt
D) grampy
  • 7. bisabuela
A) godmother
B) great-gram
C) step-gram
D) great-aunt
  • 8. hijo
A) cousin
B) niece
C) son
D) nephew
  • 9. nieto
A) grandson
B) nephew
C) grandmother
D) cousin
  • 10. tio-abuelo
A) mother
B) great grandparent
C) great-uncle
D) uncle
  • 11. primo
A) grandson
B) brother
C) uncle
D) boy cousin
  • 12. primo segundo
A) great uncle
B) brother
C) second cousin male
D) grandson
  • 13. sabrina
A) niece
B) aunt
C) daughter
D) girl cousin
  • 14. padrastro
A) fiance
B) stepmom
C) great uncle
D) stepdad
  • 15. medio hermana
A) half sister
B) half cousin
C) step sister
D) estranged sisiter
  • 16. novio
A) niece
B) boyfriend/fiance
C) nephew
D) uncle
  • 17. concuñada
A) uncle of your mother
B) girl cousin
C) boy cousin
D) wife of one's souses sister
  • 18. padrino
A) stepfather
B) godfather
C) stepson
D) godson
  • 19. compañero
A) acquaintance
B) father in law
C) step uncle
D) male partner in a couple
  • 20. ahijado
A) father in law
B) godfather
C) step-uncle
D) godson
  • 21. amigo
A) aunt
B) grampy
C) lady friend
D) guy friend
  • 22. madrina
A) stepmom
B) fairy
C) mother's aunt
D) godmother
  • 23. conocido
A) uncle
B) boyfriend
C) nephew
D) male acquaintance
  • 24. prometida
A) fiance/girlfriend/bride
B) godfather
C) step-cousin
D) father of one's son
  • 25. tatarabuelo
A) great uncle
B) great-great-grandpa
C) great grammy
D) step grampy
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